Publication Date: 2012-03-12
Practice Area:
Court: Supreme Court, Nassau County, Criminal Term Part 45
Judge: Justice Norman St. George
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for the People: A.D.A. Bena Verughese, Nassau County District Attorney's Office, Mineola, NY.
for defendant: Attorneys for the defendants: Jeffrey Groder, Esq., for defendant Careather Williams, Mineola, NY Steven R. Barnwell, Esq., for defendant Dwight Washington, Mineola, NY. Joseph LoPiccolo, Esq., for defendant Ibn Muhammad, Garden City, NY. Dana Grossblatt, Esq., for defendant Lashawn Solomon, Jericho, NY.
Case Number: 1254N/11
Cite as: People v. Lashawn Solomon, 1254N/11, NYLJ 1202544858643, at *1 (Sup., NA, Decided February 24, 2012)Justice Norman St. Geo