• Matter of Rosendale Cemetery Assn., 16-2476

    Publication Date: 2016-11-29
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Ulster County
    Judge: Justice Lisa Fisher
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: President of Petitioner: Richard Hermance, pro se, Tillson, NY.
    for defendant: Attorney General of New York State: Nathan M. Courtney, Esq. Assistant Attorney General, Of Counsel, Hon. Eric T. Schneiderman, Counsel for New York State Department of State Division of Cemeteries, Attorney General of New York State, Albany, NY.

    Case Number: 16-2476

    Cite as: Matter sendale Cemetery Assn., 16-2476, NYLJ 1202773234352, at *1 (Sup., UL, Decided November 14, 2016) CASENAME In the Matter of the Application