Publication Date: 2008-09-02
Practice Area:
Date Filed: 2008-08-29
Court: Tex. App. Dist. 3
Judge: Per curiam.
Attorneys: For plaintiff:
for defendant:
Case Number: Nos. 03-05-00585-CR, 03-05-00586-CR, 03-05-00589-CR, 03-05-00590-CR, 03-05-00591-CR, 03-05-00592-CR, 03-05-00593-CR, 03-05-00594-CR, . 03-05-00595-CR, 03-05-00596-CR, 03-05-00597-CR, 03-05-00598-CR, . 03-05-00599-CR, 03-05-00600-CR, 03-05-00601-CR, 03-05-00602-CR & 03-05-00603-CR
ON REQUEST FOR EN BANC HEARINGORDEROn August 14, 2008, Justice Henson requested that these cases be heard en banc. The court is of the view that the prerequisites for en banc review are not met.