Publication Date: 2016-10-07
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Eastern District
Judge: District Judge Joseph Bianco
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Plaintiff is represented by Richard H. Silberberg, Christopher G. Karagheuzoff, Robert G. Manson, and Dai Wai Chin Feman of Dorsey & Whitney LLP, New York, NY.
for defendant: Defendant Cavin's Business Solutions, Inc. is represented by Douglas M. Jarrell and Matthew F. Tilley of Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A., Charlotte, NC. and R. David Lane, Jr. of Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin, New York, NY. Defendants Élan Marketing, Inc. and Zeno Office Solutions, Inc. are represented by Christopher M. Mason and Danielle McLaughlin of Nixon Peabody LLP, New York, NY. Defendant The Lioce Group is represented by Gregory H. Revera of the Leo Law Firm, LLC, Huntsville, AL and Joshua S. Krakowsky, Larry Hutcher, and Mark E. Spund of Davidoff Hutcher & Citron LLP, Garden City, NY.
Case Number: 15-CV-05634
Cite as: Canon U Inc. v. Cavin's Business Solutions, Inc., 15-CV-05634, NYLJ 1202769336795, at *1 (EDNY, Decided September 23, 2016) CASENAME Canon U