Publication Date: 2012-10-26
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Northern District
Judge: District Judge Glenn T. Suddaby
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Counsel for Plaintiff: Mairead E. Connor, Esq. of Counsel, Law Offices of Mairead E. Connor, PLLC, Syracuse, NY.
for defendant: Counsel for Defendants NYS Doccs, Burge and Graham: Cathy Y. Sheehan, Esq., Roger W. Kinsey, Esq. of Counsel, Hon. Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General for the State of New York, Albany, NY. Counsel for Defendant Mitchell: Ross P. Andrews, Esq. Of Counsel, Satter & Andrews, LLP, Syracuse, NY.
Case Number: 5:07-cv-493
Cite as: Penny T. Collins v. NY State Dep't of Corr., 5:07-cv-493, NYLJ 1202576313921, at *1 (NDNY, Decided October 22, 2012)District Judge Glenn T. S