• Goldberg v. Gray, 5:15-CV-0538

    Publication Date: 2015-12-18
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Northern District
    Judge: District Judge David Hurd
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for the Plaintiffs: John C. Cherundolo, Esq., of Counsel, Cherundolo Law Firm, PLLC, Syracuse, NY.
    for defendant: Attorney for Defendant Nixon Peabody, LLP and John Koeppel, Esq.: Michael R. Wolford, Esq., of Counsel, Wolford Law Firm, LLP, Rochester, NY. Attorney for Defendant Gregory P. Edwards and Bennington Investment Management, Inc.: Michael J. Grudberg, Esq., of Counsel, Ballard, Spahr Law Firm, New York, NY. Attorney for Lucien A. Morin, II, Receiver: William E. Brueckner, III, Esq., of Counsel, McConville, Considine Law Firm, Rochester, NY. Pro Se Defendant: Gregory W. Gray, Jr., Buffalo, NY.

    Case Number: 5:15-CV-0538

    Cite as: Goldberg v. Gray, 5:15-CV-0538, NYLJ 1202745085117, at *1 (NDNY, Decided December 9, 2015) CASENAME Andrew Goldberg, individually and on behalf all ot

  • Gordon Casey and Duane Skinner, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, Plaintiffs v. Citibank, N.A.; Citimortgage, Inc.; Midfirst Bank, N.A., doing business as Midland Mortgage; and Firstinsure, Inc., Defendants, 5:12-CV-820 (LEAD)

    Publication Date: 2014-08-28
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Northern District
    Judge: District Judge David N. Hurd
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintiffs Casey, Skinner, and Coonan: E. Michelle Drake, Esq., Joseph C. Hashmall, Esq., Kai H. Richter, Esq., of Counsel, Nichols Kaster, PLLP, Minneapolis, MN. Matthew C. Helland, Esq., of Counsel, San Francisco, CA. Attorneys for Plaintiffs Casey, Skinner, and Coonan: Patrick F. Madden, Esq., Sarah R. Schalman-Bergen, Esq., Shanon J. Carson, Esq., of Counsel, Berger & Montague, P.C., Philadelphia, PA. Attorneys for Plaintiffs Casey, Skinner, and Coonan: Brett H. Cebulash, Esq., Kevin Landau, Esq., of Counsel, Taus, Cebulash & Landau, LLP, New York, NY. Attorneys for Plaintiff Coonan Beachway Professional Center Tower: Kenneth G. Gilman, Esq., of counsel, Gilman Law, LLP, Bonita Springs, FL.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Defendants Citibank, N.A. and CitiMortgage, Inc.: Christopher J. Willis, Esq., Sarah T. Reise, Esq., Stefanie H. Jackman, Esq., of Counsel Ballard Spahr, LLP, Atlanta, GA. Attorneys for Defendants Citibank, N.A.; and CitiMortgage, Inc.: Mitchell J. Katz, Esq., Teresa M. Bennett, Esq., of Counsel, Menter, Rudin & Trivelpiece, P.C., Syracuse, NY. Attorneys for Defendants Assurant, Inc., American Security Insurance Company, and Standard Guaranty Insurance Company: Frank G. Burt, Esq., Brian P. Perryman, Esq., W. Glenn Merten, Esq., of Counsel, Carlton Fields Jorden Burt, P.A., Washington, DC.

    Case Number: 5:12-CV-820 (LEAD)

    Cite as: Casey v. Citibank, N.A., 5:12-CV-820 (LEAD), NYLJ 1202668194509, at *1 (NDNY, Decided August 21, 2014) 5:12-CV-820 (LEAD)p

  • June 1, 2012 | Legaltech News

    The New Digital Pirates?

    First it was online music sharing. Next came video uploads and digitized books. Now a new copyright battle over digitized content is raging, this time with an unlikely set of alleged pirates:

    1 minute read

  • Gordon Casey and Duane Skinner, Individually and on Behalf of all others Similarly Situated, Plaintiffs v. Citibank, N.A.; Citimortgage, Inc.; Midfirst Bank, N.A., Doing Business as Midland Mortgage; and Firstinsure, Inc., Defendants, 5:12-CV-820

    Publication Date: 2013-04-19
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Northern District
    Judge: District Judge David Hurd
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys For Plaintiffs: Donald H. Nichols, Esq., E. Michelle Drake, Esq., Kai H. Richter, Esq., of Counsel, Nichols Kaster, PLLP, Minneapolis, M.N. Matthew C. Helland, Esq., of Counsel, San Francisco, C.A. Attorneys For Plaintiffs: Patrick F. Madden, Esq., Sarah R. Schalman — Bergen, Esq., Shanon J. Carson, Esq., of Counsel, Berger & Montague, P.C., Philadelphia, P.A. Attorneys For Plaintiffs: Brett H. Cebulash, Esq., Kevin Landau, Esq., of Counsel, Taus, Cebulash & Landau, LLP, New York, N.Y.
    for defendant: Attorneys For Defendants: Citibank, N.A.; and Citimortgage, Inc., Christopher J. Willis, Esq., Sarah T. Reise, Esq., Stefanie H. Jackman, Esq., of Counsel, Ballard Spahr, LLP, Atlanta, G.A. Attorneys For Defendants: Citibank, N.A.; and Citimortgage, Inc., Mitchell J. Katz, Esq., Teresa M. Bennett, Esq., of Counsel, Menter, Rudin & Trivelpiece, P.C., Syracuse, N.Y. Attorneys For Defendants: Midfirst Bank, N.A. and Firstinsure, Inc., David S. Kantrowitz, Esq., John C. Englander, Esq., Matthew G. Lindenbaum, Esq., of Counsel, Boston, M.A. Attorneys For Defendants: Midfirst Bank, N.A. and Firstinsure, Inc., Edward G. Melvin, Esq., Robert J. Smith, Esq., of Counsel, Syracuse, N.Y.

    Case Number: 5:12-CV-820

    Cite as: Casey v. Citibank, N.A., 5:12-CV-820, NYLJ 1202596364079, at *1 (NDNY, Decided April 10, 2013)District Judge David HurdDec

  • Casey v. Citibank, 5:12-CV-820

    Publication Date: 2013-01-04
    Practice Area:
    Court: U. S. District Court, Northern District
    Judge: District Judge David Hurd
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Donald H. Nichols, Esq., E. Michelle Drake, Esq., Kai H. Richter, Esq., Of Counsel, Nichols Kaster, PLLP, Minneapolis, MN. Matthew C. Helland, Esq., Of Counsel, One Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA. Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Patrick F. Madden, Esq., Sarah R. Schalman-Bergen, Esq., Shanon J. Carson, Esq., of Counsel, Berger & Montague, P.C., Philadelphia, PA.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Defendants Citibank, N.A.; CitiMortgage, Inc.; and Citigroup, Inc.: Christopher J. Willis, Esq., Sarah T. Reise, Esq., Stefanie H. Jackman, Esq., Of Counsel, Ballard Spahr, LLP, Atlanta, GA. Attorneys for Defendants Citibank, N.A.; CitiMortgage, Inc.; and Citigroup, Inc.: Mitchell J. Katz, Esq., Teresa M. Bennett, Esq., Of Counsel, Menter, Rudin & Trivelpiece, P.C., Syracuse, NY. Attorneys for Defendants MidFirst Bank, N.A. and FirstInsure, Inc.: David S. Kantrowitz, Esq., John C. Englander, Esq., Matthew G. Lindenbaum, Esq., of Counsel, Goodwin Procter LLP, Boston, MA. Attorneys for Defendants MidFirst Bank, N.A. and FirstInsure, Inc.: Edward G. Melvin, Esq., Robert J. Smith, Esq., of Counsel, Costello, Cooney & Fearon, PLLC, Syracuse, NY.

    Case Number: 5:12-CV-820

    Cite as: Casey v. Citibank, 5:12-CV-820, NYLJ 1202583126326, at *1 (NDNY, Decided ry 2, 2013)District Judge David HurdDecided: