Publication Date: 2016-10-03
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
Judge: District Judge Cathy Seibel
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Counsel for Appellant: Y. David Scharf, Joseph T. Moldovan, Robert K. Dakis, Morrison Cohen LLP, New York, NY. Counsel for Appellee: Michael Levine, Levine & Associates, P.C., Scarsdale, NY.
for defendant: Counsel for Amici Curiae Richard Epstein, Arthur J. Gonzalez, Michael McConnell and Burt Neuborne: Burt Neuborne, New York University, New York, NY.
Case Number: 15-CV-6408
Cite as: L'Hoyroa v. Yosef, 15-CV-6408, NYLJ 1202768914545, at *1 (SDNY, Decided September 27, 2016) CASENAME Bais Din of Mechon L'Hoyroa, Appellant v.