• Woodward v. Epps

    Publication Date: 2009-08-25
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2009-08-21
    Court: 5th Cir.
    Judge: Carl E. Stewart, Circuit Judge
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 06-70053

    Before BARKSDALE, STEWART, and PRADO, Circuit Judges.Paul Woodward was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death. After exhausting state court proceedings, Woodward filed a petition for ha

  • July 23, 2007 | Daily Report Online

    Playing to a Full House, Ga. Justices Ponder Teen Sex Case

    Cases that led to the abolition and reinstatement of the death penalty came from the Supreme Court of Georgia. Nine years ago the Georgia justices broke new ground for gay rights by striking down a

    1 minute read

  • May 20, 2010 | New York Law Journal

    D.C. Action Threatens Unintended Consequences

    It could have been a scene out of a Frank Capra movie ("Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"). Individual senators, with no background in finance or the securities industry and no relevant commi

    1 minute read

  • March 29, 2012 | The American Lawyer

    The Bankruptcy Files: A Bad Month for Big Shippers

    While the rise of cargo-snatching Somali pirates probably didn't help, the worldwide shipping industry has struggled in recent years with decreased rates and an inability to refinance

    1 minute read

  • November 5, 2007 | The Recorder

    McDermott Will to Add Lower-Paid Associates

    With soaring associate salaries, rising litigation costs and general counsel's resistance to it all, something has to give.While some firms quietly turn to contract attorneys or even s

    1 minute read

  • June 14, 2011 | National Law Journal

    It's certified: These firms empower women

      The Women in Law Empowerment Forum on June 14 released the initial list of law firms qualifying for its new Gold Standard Certification &mdas

    1 minute read

  • September 26, 2011 | Texas Lawyer


    To submit your verdict or settlement to Texas Lawyer, fill out this form.

    1 minute read

  • September 9, 2010 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Howley v. Mellon Financial Corporation

    Howley v. Mellon Financial Corporation, No. 08-1748; Third Circuit; opinion by McKee, U.S.C.J.; filed August 31, 2010.

    1 minute read

  • Riverisland Cold Storage, Inc. v. Fresno-Madera Production Credit Association

    Publication Date: 2013-01-14
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2013-01-14
    Court: Ca. Sup. Ct.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: LaMontagne & Terhar, Eric A. Amador; Wild, Carter & Tipton and Steven E. Paganetti for Plaintiffs and Appellants.
    for defendant: Lang, Richert & Patch, Scott J. Ivy, Ana de Alba; Dowling, Aaron & Keeler, Nickolas J. Dibiaso and Lynne Thaxter Brown for Defendant and Respondent. Reed Smith, Peter S. Muñoz, Raymond A. Cardozo and Dennis Peter Maio for California Bankers Association as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Defendant and Respondent. Downey Brand, Daniel J. Coyle and Cassandra M. Ferrannini for American AgCredit, ACA, CoBank, Farm Credit Services of Colusa-Glenn, ACA, Farm Credit West, ACA, Northern California Farm Credit, ACA, U.S. AgBank, FCB, and Yosemite Farm Credit, ACA, as Amici Curiae on behalf of Defendant and Respondent.

    Case Number: No. S190581

    Cite as 13 C.D.O.S. 501RIVERISL

  • October 25, 2012 | The American Lawyer

    The Bankruptcy Files: ResCap Asset Sales Headline Busy Bankruptcy Month

    UPDATE: 10/26/2012, 10:00 a.m. EDT. Munger, Tolles & Olson partners Thomas Walper and Seth Goldman are a

    1 minute read