• September 1, 2022 | Law.com

    Higher Law: California Lawmakers Send Cannabis Bills to Governor | Jelly Belly Sues CBD Jelly Bean Creator | Florida Governor: Charge Marijuana Companies 'An Arm and a Leg'

    California's legislative session came to a close in the wee hours Thursday, wrapping up what was a productive eight months for the cannabis industry lobby. Here's what's heading to the governor's desk.

    8 minute read

  • September 1, 2022 | New York Law Journal

    As Telemedicine Expands, Insurance Fraud Grows

    Telemedicine will no doubt continue to play an expanded role in the health care system. Yet both practitioners and insurers should be aware of the potential for abuse of these telemedicine services and the criminal, civil and administrative ramifications.

    9 minute read

  • September 1, 2022 | Daily Business Review

    FHA Refresher: Avoid Common Mistakes in Your Property Marketing

    Closing the gap between leads and new leases comes down to the details. And Fair Housing Act (FHA) compliance is a major part of that. Offer a welcoming and nondiscriminatory environment for every renter to safeguard your property's marketing efforts today and continue attracting qualified renters in the future.

    6 minute read

  • August 31, 2022 | Law.com

    Compliance Hot Spots: SEC Whistleblower Program's 'Preferred Attorneys' + Top CFIUS Lawyer Joins King & Spalding + Paul Weiss Jumps into Trump Doc Fray

    A new study finds that former SEC attorneys are at a distinct advantage in securing payouts for their clients through the agency's whistleblower program.

    9 minute read

  • August 31, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

    First CCPA Enforcement Action Provides Lessons on Privacy Compliance

    On Aug. 24, the California Office of the Attorney General (OAG) announced its first public enforcement action under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). A proposed settlement between the OAG and French-based cosmetics retailer Sephora would require Sephora to pay $1.2 million in penalties to resolve allegations that the company violated the CCPA.

    10 minute read

  • August 29, 2022 | The Recorder

    Judges Seem Doubtful of Reddit's Liability in Child Porn Lawsuit

    The plaintiffs, victims of child pornography, argue Reddit isn't protected by Section 230 due to an exception to the law passed by Congress in 2018.

    5 minute read

  • August 29, 2022 | Daily Report Online

    The JQC Wants This Judge Suspended—at Once—But Court Sees No Immediate Threat

    "The JQC appears to suggest that it has been unable to resolve this matter because it continues to learn of additional instances of misconduct by Judge Peterson," the Supreme Court of Georgia wrote. "But the JQC has not explained how its discovery of new allegations prevents it from proceeding to a hearing on the allegations already investigated, or what sort of investigation remains to be done as to those allegations."

    5 minute read

  • August 29, 2022 | Daily Report Online

    Do It Yourself: For Many in Georgia, Legal Help Just Isn't Available

    "We're actually providing the kind of assistance somebody would get if they were coming in and paying billable hours," said Middle Georgia Justice executive director Amy Griffith Dever. "The beauty is that we don't have to deal with billable hours."

    6 minute read

  • August 29, 2022 | New York Law Journal

    Ninth Circuit Internet Contributory Copyright Infringement Liability Standards: A Road to Confusion

    Inconsistent 'Cloudflare' rulings can be explained, at least in part, by the fact that the Ninth Circuit has provided an inconsistent framework involving multiple "tests" without guidance as to when such tests are to be applied.

    15 minute read

  • August 29, 2022 | New York Law Journal

    Fashion Law

    From bellbottom jeans, to low-rise jeans, to high-rise "mom" jeans, and everything in between, it is undeniable that shoppers are presented with constantly-changing trends. While it might seem difficult to select from endless styles of garments, we shoppers have it easy compared to the transactional and IP lawyers ironing-out difficult issues behind the scenes, as discussed in the articles in this week's Fashion Law special report. In "Halston: A Lesson in Licensing," we learn that licensing an already-successful brand requires careful precision. In "Growing Use of Smart Fabrics Brings New Legal Issues," the author highlights that the marriage of garments and technology raises compliance and privacy concerns not typically implicated by clothing made from traditional fabric. In "Intellectual Property and Fashion Design: Protection and Enforcement," we learn that patent, trademark and copyright may be utilized together for solid protection of rights. In "Beauty and Justice: How Brands Targeting Women of Color Can Assess Their Risks," the author writes that staying abreast of legislation, enforcement actions, and social trends should be a priority for beauty product companies. And in "Protecting Fashion in the Metaverse," we read that new technologies are forcing brand owners to implement registration and enforcement strategies to protect their intellectual property rights in the metaverse.

    1 minute read