• February 26, 2007 | New York Law Journal

    Blawgs to Add to Your Favorites List

    Blogs and Web sites by the dozens provide timely information about technology law issues. The problem, of course, is finding the time to sort through them all to select the ones that meet your

    1 minute read

  • Holdeman v. Devine

    Publication Date: 2009-07-27
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2009-07-21
    Court: 10th Cir.
    Judge: Ebel, Circuit Judge.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 07-4235

    PUBLISHBefore McCONNELL, EBEL, and GORSUCH, Circuit Judges.Plaintiff Terrence Holdeman, the representative of a class of employees and dependents of employees who were participants in a self-fun

  • June 21, 2012 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Bills Restricting Access to Reports of Accidents Clear Key Committees

    The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday urged passage of a bill aimed at blocking solicitation of automobile accident victims by blocking for 90 days the release of accident reports to non

    1 minute read

  • November 23, 2009 | Texas Lawyer

    Diversity Appeal: Few Minorities Hold Positions As Law Clerks, Staff Attorneys

    In the 10 years Jennifer Lewis Williams has worked at the 5th Court of Appeals in Dallas, she has been the court's only African-American staff attorney. "That's very disappointing,"

    1 minute read

  • July 30, 2010 | Daily Business Review

    Miami commission approves giant media towers

    Developer Mark Siffin won final approval Thursday from Miami commissioners to build two large electronic billboards north of downtown, marking the end of a long-standing city ban on new billb

    1 minute read

  • Dow Jones Co. Inc. v. International Securities Exchange Inc., 05-4812-cv

    Publication Date: 2006-06-27
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2006-06-16
    Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
    Judge: Pierre Leval
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 05-4812-cv

    U.S. COURT OF APPEALS SECOND CIRCUIT For Plaintiff-Appellant Dow Jones & Company, Inc.: Robert P. Lobue, Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP (Stuart A. Karle, Gen

  • May 26, 2003 | Legal Times

    So You Want to Be a Trial Lawyer

    When I began my legal career at Shaw Pittman, a large firm based in Washington, D.C., I would have given 1,000-to-1 odds to anyone who wanted to bet me that one day I'd become a "persona

    1 minute read

  • April 22, 2011 | New Jersey Law Journal

    N.J. Candidate for Bar Trustee Stripped of E-Mail Privileges

    A candidate for a State Bar Association trustee seat who sent campaign literature via the organiza

    1 minute read

  • Sahu v. Union Carbide Corp., 04 Civ. 8825

    Publication Date: 2009-09-28
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2009-09-22
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Southern District
    Judge: John Keenan
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 04 Civ. 8825

    District Judge John F. Keenan U.S. DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK For Plaintiffs: Avi S. Garbow, Matthew K. Handley, Cohen, Milstein, Hausfeld & Toll, P

  • Wilson v. Hynek

    Publication Date: 2012-07-16
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2012-06-20
    Court: C.A. 4th
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Law Offices of Charles D. Nachand, Charles D. Nachand and Richard B. Hudson for Plaintiffs and Appellants.
    for defendant: Adleson, Hess & Kelly, Phillip M. Adleson and Lisa J. Parella for Defendants and Respondents Brian and Gayl Hynek. Kirby & McGuinn, Dean T. Kirby, Jr., and Martin T. McGuinn for Defendants and Respondents Polo Investments Funds, LLC; Polo Investment Fund No. 1, LLC; Coast Capital Mortgage Company and Coast Capital Income Fund, LLC. Richard J. Vattuone and Stephen M. Shaw for Defendant and Respondent U. S. Financial, LLP.

    Case Number: No. D057620

    Cite as 12 C.D.O.S. 8032 ROBERT W. WILSON et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. BRIAN HYNEK et al., Defend