• September 16, 2003 | Texas Lawyer

    With Passage of Prop. 12, What's Next?

    With the passage of Proposition 12 on Saturday, the next shoe to drop for Texans is likely to be limitations of non-economic damages in all types of civil cases, opponents of the constitutiona

    1 minute read

  • Critical Health Connection Inc. v. Texas Workforce Commission

    Publication Date: 2011-04-26
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2011-04-27
    Court: Tex. App. Dist. 3
    Judge: J. Woodfin Jones, Chief Justice
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: NO. 03-09-00528-CV

    OPINIONAppellant Critical Health Connection, Inc. ("CHC") filed suit against appellee the Texas Workforce Commission (the "Commission") seeking a refund of taxes that CHC paid under the Te

  • Gurvey v. Cowan, Liebowitz Latman PC, 06 Civ. 1202

    Publication Date: 2009-03-24
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2009-03-16
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Southern District
    Judge: Barbara Jones
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 06 Civ. 1202

    District Judge Barbara S. Jones U.S. DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Judge Jones Opinion & Order Defendants Clear Channel Commu

  • March 4, 2010 | The Associated Press

    Alabama governor cracks down on bingo machines

    MONTGOMERY, Ala. AP - The governor of this Bible Belt state is waging a one-man crusade against gambling - and stirring racial tensions in the process - by sending state troopers on late-nigh

    1 minute read

  • December 30, 2010 | The Associated Press

    Paul Allen Refiles Suit Against Internet Giants

    Interval Licensing LLC, a company owned by billionaire Microsoft Corp. co-founder Paul Allen, has filed an amended lawsuit against Facebook, Google Inc. and nine other companies, claiming they in

    1 minute read

  • EnviroCare Technologies, LLC, Plaintiff v. Roman Simanovsky and Alex Shlaen (d/b/a NW Class Vacuum Supplies), Defendants, 11-CV-3458

    Publication Date: 2012-06-11
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Eastern District
    Judge: District Judge Joanna Seybert
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiff: Gerard F. Dunne, Esq., Joseph Anthony Dunne, Esq., Law Office of Gerard F. Dunne, P.C., New York, NY.
    for defendant: For Defendants: Geoffrey Robert Batsiyan, Esq., Law Office of Geoffrey Batsiyan, Brooklyn, NY.

    Case Number: 11-CV-3458

    Cite as: EnviroCare Technologies, LLC v. Simanovsky, 11-CV-3458, NYLJ 1202558341470, at *1 (EDNY, Decided June 4, 2012)District Judge Joanna Seybertp

  • May 20, 2003 | National Law Journal

    Can Cyberspam Ever Be Canned?

    Get rich suing spammers or your money back!If offers like that (which we have no intention of honoring, by the way) get your goat, you're not alone.Angry consumers forward abou

    1 minute read

  • February 1, 2006 | Corporate Counsel

    Running Interference

    You're all set to work at home: The company techies configured your laptop so you can log on remotely. You installed a firewall on the laptop, just to make sure your data is secure. The cable

    1 minute read

  • March 13, 2012 | New York Law Journal

    Judge Slashes Fees in Debt Collection Case

    A debtor has been awarded more than $12,000 in attorney fees in a Fair Debt Collection Practices matter—far less than requested—in a case where a federal judge parsed the language

    1 minute read

  • International Association of Firefighters v. Public Employment Relations Board (City of Richmond)

    Publication Date: 2011-01-24
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2011-01-24
    Court: Ca. Sup. Ct.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Davis & Reno, Duane W. Reno and Alan C. Davis for Plaintiff and Appellant. Woodley & McGillivary, Thomas A. Woodley, Kurt Rumsfeld and Baldwin Robertson for International Association of Fire Fighters as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Plaintiff and Appellant. Davis, Cowell & Bowe, W. David Holsberry and Paul L. More for California Professional Firefighters as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Plaintiff and Appellant.
    for defendant: Tami R. Bogert, Wendi L. Ross, Alicia A. Clement and Kristin L. Rosi for Defendant and Respondent. Renne Sloan Holtzman Sakai, Jeffrey Sloan, Charles D. Sakai, Randy Riddle, Steve Cikes, K. Scott Dickey and Meryln Goeschl for Real Party in Interest and Respondent. Goldfarb & Lipman, James T. Diamond, Jr., and Xochitl Carrion for League of California Cities and California State Association of Counties as Amici Curiae on behalf of Real Party in Interest and Respondent. Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo, Warren S. Kinsler, Cathie L. Fields and Barbara J. Ginsberg for Education Legal Alliance of the California School Boards Association and the Inland Personnel Council as Amici Curiae on behalf of Real Party in Interest and Respondent.

    Case Number: No. S172377

    Cite as 11 C.D.O.S. 1011INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL 188, AFL-CIO, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. p class="casen