• Revitalizing Auto Communities Envtl Response Trust v. Nat'l Grid USA

    Publication Date: 2020-05-18
    Practice Area: Environmental Law
    Industry: Manufacturing
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, U.S. - NDNY
    Judge: District Judge David Hurd
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintifs: Alan J. Knauf, Esq., Linda R. Shaw, Esq., Amy K. Kendall, Esq., Jonathan R. Tantillo, Esq., Melissa Valle, Esq., of counsel, Knauf Shaw LLP, Rochester, New York. Attorneys for Defendants National Grid USA and Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation: Yvonne E. Hennessey, Esq., of counsel, Barclay Damon LLP-Albany, Albany, New York. Attorneys for Defendants Carrier Corporation, United Technologies Corporation, and Carlyle Air Conditioning Company Inc.: Erick M. Sandler, Esq., Elizabeth C. Barton, Esq., of counsel, Day, Pitney Law Firm-Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut. Attorneys for Defendant Center Circles LLC: Longstreet & Berry, LLP, Martha L. Berry, Esq., of counsel, Fayetteville, New York. Attorneys for Defendant General Electric Company: Dean S. Sommer, Esq., Kristin Carter Rowe, Esq., of counsel, Young, Sommer Law Firm, Albany, New York. Attorneys for Defendant Bristol-Meyers Squibb Company: Bernard J. Garbutt, III, Esq., of counsel, Morgan, Lewis Law Firm, New York, New York. Attorneys for Defendant Bristol-Meyers Squibb Company: Glen R. Stuart, Esq., Adina D. Bingham, Esq., of counsel, Morgan, Lewis Law Firm-Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Attorneys for Defendants New Process Gear Corporation, Magna Powertrain USA, Inc., and New Process Gear, Inc.: John Joseph Kuster, Esq., of counsel, Sidley, Austin Law Firm-New York, New York, New York. Attorneys for Defendants Thompson Corners, LLC, 6181 Thompson Road, LLC, Thompson Lawn, LLC, and Thompson NW, LLC: John T. Kolaga, Esq., of counsel, Rupp, Baase Law Firm-Buffalo, Buffalo, New York. Attorneys for Defendants Metalico Syracuse Realty, Inc. and Metalico New York, Inc.: Albert J. Millus, Jr., Esq., of counsel, Hinman, Howard Law Firm-Binghamton, Binghamton, New York. Attorneys for Defendant Gardner Denver, Inc.: Daniel Flaherty, Esq., Daniel Narvey, Esq., of counsel, Godfrey & Kahn, S.C., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Attorneys for Defendant Gardner Denver, Inc.: Gary S. Bowitch, Esq., of counsel, Bowitch, Coffey Law Firm, Albany, New York. Attorneys for Defendant ONX1 LLC: Donald W. O'brien, Jr. Esq., of counsel, Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP, Rochester, New York. Attorneys for Defendants Onondaga Pottery Company, Inc., Syracuse China Company, and Libbey Glass Inc.: Andrew C. Rose, Esq., Peter C. Trimarchi, Esq., of counsel, Nixon, Peabody Law Firm-Albany, Albany, New York. Attorneys for Defendant Amparit Industries, LLC: Lori E. Petrone, Esq., of counsel, Kenney, Shelton Law Firm-Buffalo, Buffalo, New York. Attorneys for Defendants Carrier Circle Business Complex LLC, Syracuse Lepage LLC, and North Midler Properties LLC: Michael A. Fogel, Esq., of counsel, Brown Duke & Fogel, P.C., Syracuse, New York.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Defendant Carrier Circle Business Complex LLC and Syracuse Lepage LLC: Patrick D. Donnelly, Esq., of counsel, Brown Duke & Fogel, P.C., Syracuse, New York. Attorneys for Defendant Telesector Resources Group, Inc.: Philip H. Gitlen, Esq., of counsel, Whiteman, Osterman Law Firm-Albany, Albany, New York. Attorneys for Defendant Western Electric Company, Incorporated and Nokia of America Corporation: David Venderbush, Esq., of counsel, Alston, Bird Law Firm-New York, New York, New York. Attorneys for Defendant Western Electric Company, Incorporated and Nokia of America Corporation: Meaghan G. Boyd, Esq., Geoffrey C. Rathgeber, Esq., of counsel, Alston, Bird Law Firm, Atlanta, Georgia. Attorneys for Defendant Lennox Industries Inc.: Charles T. Wehland, Esq., of counsel, Jones, Day Law Firm-Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Attorneys for Defendant Lennox Industries Inc.: Allison L. Waks, Esq., of counsel, Jones, Day Law Firm-New York, New York, New York. Attorneys for Defendant Syracuse Deere Road Associates, LLC: Gregory M. Brown, Esq., of counsel, Brown Duke & Fogel, P.C., Syracuse, New York. Attorneys for Defendant Jagar Enterprises, Inc.: Linda E. Alario, Esq., of counsel, Linda E. Alario, Syracuse, New York. Attorneys for Defendants Calocerinos and Spina, and C& S Engineers, Inc.: Paul D. Sylvestri, Esq., Peter H. Abdella, Esq., of counsel, Harter, Secrest Law Firm-Rochester, Rochester, New York. Attorneys for B&B Family Limited Partnership: Joseph R. Talarico, II, Esq., of counsel, Talarico Law Firm, Fayetteville, New York. Attorneys for Defendant Hauler's Facility LLC: Edward A. O'Hara, III, Esq., of counsel, Office of Edward A. O'Hara, III, Syracuse, New York. Attorneys for Defendant Honeywell International Inc.: Lauren Cole Daniel, Esq., of counsel, Arnold, Porter Law Firm-DC, Washington, DC. Attorneys for Defendant Lockeed Martin Corporation: Steven T. Miano, Esq., Peter V. Keays, Esq., Robert A. Wiygul, Esq., of counsel, Hangley Aronchick Segal Pudlin & Schiller, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Attorneys for Defendant Northeast Management Services, Inc.: Douglas H. Zamelis, Esq., of counsel, Law office of Douglas H. Zamelis, Cooperstown, New York. Melody D. Westfall, Esq., of counsel, Westfall Law PLLC, Syracuse, New York.

    Case Number: 5:18-CV-1267

    CERCLA Recovery Action Dismissed; Plaintiffs 'Hasty' in Testing Expanded Territory

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  • Asal Realty LLC v. Kaune

    Publication Date: 2020-04-01
    Practice Area: Landlord Tenant Law
    Court: Civil Court, Bronx
    Judge: Judge Diane Lutwak
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Petitioner's Attorney: Zachary Cohen, Esq., Borah Goldstein Altschuler Nahins & Goidel, P.C., New York, New York.
    for defendant: Respondent's Attorney: Karen Takach, Esq., Bronx, New York.

    Case Number: 68128/2018

    Tenant Justified in Refusing to Sign Renewal Lease Not Offered on Same Terms, Conditions

  • Appellate Division, First Department:March 12, 2020

    Publication Date: 2020-03-16
    Practice Area: Civil Appeals | Criminal Appeals
    Court: Appellate Division, First Department, Cases Decided
    Judge: Unsigned
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: DOCKET

    Appellate Division, First Department:March 12, 2020

  • Texas Dept. of Ins. v. Texas Association

    Publication Date: 2020-03-16
    Practice Area: Civil Appeals | Government | Litigation
    Court: Court of Appeals
    Judge: Justice Goodwin
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 03-19-00185-CV

    In this interlocutory appeal, appellant Texas Department of Insurance challenged the trial court's denial of its plea to the jurisdiction on two claims brought by appellee Texas Association of Health Plans

  • Appellate Division,First Department: February 25, 2020

    Publication Date: 2020-02-27
    Practice Area: Civil Appeals | Criminal Appeals
    Court: Appellate Division, Second Department, Cases Decided
    Judge: Unsigned
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: DOCKET

    Appellate Division,First Department: February 25, 2020

  • Balura v. Ethicon Inc.

    Publication Date: 2020-02-26
    Practice Area: Evidence | Products Liability
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, U.S. - NDNY
    Judge: District Judge Lawrence Kahn
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 3:19-CV-1372

    Expert's Testimony Partly Excluded in Pelvic Mesh Products Injury Action

  • Verizon New York Inc. v. Altz Group Inc.

    Publication Date: 2020-02-19
    Practice Area: Real Estate
    Court: Supreme Court, New York County
    Judge: Justice Mary Rosado
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 162197/2015


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