• August 22, 2000 | Daily Business Review

    Full-Court Press

    Miami-Dade County Court Judge Harvey Goldstein, a 24-year veteran of the bench, thought he'd run unopposed in next month's judicial election. But even though he has years of favorable performa

    1 minute read

  • May 8, 2008 | Law.com

    Top 50 IP People Under 45

    A note on our survey from IP Law & Business editor Pamela Sherrid: I have never sat on an admissions committee for Harvard or Princeton, but I now have much more empa

    1 minute read

  • July 24, 2006 | New Jersey Law Journal

    40 Under 40

    The biographies that follow are of 40 New Jersey lawyers, all born after Aug. 1, 1966, whom we see as having acquitted themselves well in their brief legal careers. And we do mean bri

    1 minute read

  • July 2, 2007 |

    Policing the Internet

    On the Internet, no one knows if you're a dog. Or a well-tailored investigator in the London office of Covington & Burling. That fact has guided Peter Anaman's entire career over the last seven

    1 minute read

  • June 5, 2007 |

    Growth Biz for IP Lawyers: Policing the Net

    On the Internet, no one knows if you're a dog. Or a well-tailored lawyer in the London office of Covington & Burling. That fact has guided Peter Anaman's entire career over the last seven years

    1 minute read

  • June 5, 2007 |

    Growth Biz for IP Lawyers: Policing the Net

    On the Internet, no one knows if you're a dog. Or a well-tailored lawyer in the London office of Covington & Burling. That fact has guided Peter Anaman's entire career over the last seven years

    1 minute read

  • June 4, 2007 | Daily Report Online

    Trademark lawyers help police Web

    ON THE INTERNET no one knows if you're a dog. Or a well-tailored lawyer in the London office of Covington & Burling. That fact has guided Peter Anaman's entire career over the past seven

    1 minute read

  • June 5, 2007 |

    Growth Biz for IP Lawyers: Policing the Net

    On the Internet, no one knows if you're a dog. Or a well-tailored lawyer in the London office of Covington & Burling. That fact has guided Peter Anaman's entire career over the last seven years

    1 minute read

  • March 27, 2002 | Daily Report Online

    H&K Partner: Firm Is 'in Peril,' Faces Exodus

    Tony Doris [email protected] MIAMI-Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill McBride, the former managing partner of Holland & Knight, took the microphone last mon

    1 minute read

  • March 25, 2002 | Daily Business Review

    Whither Holland & Knight?

    Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill McBride, the former managing partner of Holland & Knight, took the microphone last month at a campaign rally in front of a rustic bed-and-breakfas

    1 minute read