• December 8, 2003 | New York Law Journal

    2003 NYLJ 100 Largest Law Offices

    By most accounts, it has turned into a good year for New York's law offices. Buttressed by a booming economy that enjoyed 7.2 percent GDP growth in the third quarter, 57 of the 102 offices lis

    1 minute read

  • March 1, 2004 | The American Lawyer

    Running in Place

    As soon as Duane Morris gets as big as it can, it turns around and gets bigger. In 1997 the Philadelphia-based firm had about 225 lawyers. By 2002 it had doubled in size. Today Duane Morris ha

    1 minute read

  • October 29, 2009 | Daily Business Review

    Fla. Managing Partners Survey Shows Year of Retrenchment

    Sit still at your desk for too long on the 21st floor of Miami's One Biscayne Tower and the lights go off. That's because Mark Raymond, managing partner of

    1 minute read

  • March 1, 2001 |

    Securities Analyst's Method Was Reliable, U.S. Judge Concludes

    The report of an expert in economic analysis of securities will be admitted in a securities fraud case in which investors lost more than $230 million as a result of fund bankruptcy, a federal

    1 minute read

  • Kings County Second Department SUPREME COURT,

    Publication Date: 2012-09-13
    Practice Area:
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    Non-Jury Settlement Trl PtNelson v. Cardwell (29776/09)—Motion GrantedJustice Rachel

  • Westchester County Second Department SUPREME COURT,

    Publication Date: 2012-02-29
    Practice Area:
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    Justice Lester B. AdlerMereigh v. Mereigh (17405/10)—Motion DeniedPnc Bank v. Two Zp Corp. D/b/a Quizno's (8107/11)—Motion Granted, Case

  • May 5, 2000 | Corporate Counsel

    Razor Sharp

    Most net surfers have seen Web pages designed by Razorfish, Inc. But to call Razorfish a Web design company is like calling Honda a company that makes engines -- there's a lot more to it. Razorfish

    1 minute read

  • July 11, 2003 | Legal Times

    Arent Fox Looks for Footing on Rough Road

    Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn is looking for answers. A longtime fixture of Washington's legal scene, Arent Fox today is beleaguered by flat revenue and a stream of partner ex

    1 minute read

  • August 25, 2006 | The Recorder

    Labor Secrets

    Ask anyone who's the best trial lawyer or the best IP litigator in California, and you'll probably hear the names of well-known, $700-per-hour senior rainmakers at California's largest law fir

    1 minute read

  • January 6, 2003 | Legal Times

    Civil Actions

    The following selected cases were recently filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the Eastern District of Virginia, and in Greenbelt, Md. This information was provid

    1 minute read