• October 1, 2004 | Corporate Counsel

    Designated Drivers

    Few people wielded more power in WorldCom, Inc.'s recent rehabilitation than Richard Breeden, the court-appointed corporate monitor. Though Breeden was the first to ever hold the post � create

    1 minute read

  • June 3, 2013 | Texas Lawyer


    No Yolk!Many a breakfaster has squirmed when faced with runny yolks. But the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has overturned a federal administrative trial court and determined that

    1 minute read

  • June 23, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Pharmaceutical Sales Practices Net $1.2 Billion in 'Qui Tam' Settlements

    A Pennsylvania whistleblower's allegations of corrupt sales practices in the pharmaceuticals industry have resulted in more than $1.2 billion in settlements with Uncle Sam - and rewards o

    1 minute read

  • September 2, 2004 | The Associated Press

    Do New Overtime Rules Mean More Money but Less Status?

    The complaints began even before University of Missouri administrators e-mailed more than 400 employees to confirm what might seem a harmless change -- soon, the memo said, they'd be eligible

    1 minute read

  • December 29, 2010 | Bloomberg

    Kahn, father of airline deregulation, dies at 93

    Alfred E. Kahn, the economist-turned-regulator whose moves to end U.S. government controls on airlines in the late 1970s set the stage for today's cheap fares and for much of the industry's f

    1 minute read

  • Kings County Second Department SUPREME COURT,

    Publication Date: 2012-12-13
    Practice Area:
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    Non-Jury Settlement Trl PtBaptiste v. Renaissance Equity Hldg. (16984/10)—Motion GrantedFook Kuan Ng Revocable Trust v. Randone (542

  • April 7, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Keeping info from FDA could trigger punitives

    A drug manufacturer may be held liable for punitive damages on a theory of "implied malice," a federal judge has ruled, where evidence suggests the manufacturer withheld information from the

    1 minute read

  • April 5, 2007 | The Legal Intelligencer

    3rd Circuit Revives RICO Claim Against Insurer

    In a major setback for insurers, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has revived a RICO suit against First Unum Life Insurance Co., finding that a lower court erred when it held that such a claim

    1 minute read

  • May 1, 2006 | Corporate Counsel

    Anointed for Lobbying

    John Ashcroft made an unusual career move for a former attorney general last spring: He became a lobbyist. But government rules barred him from representing clients before the U.S. Department

    1 minute read

  • September 19, 2011 | New York Law Journal

    Tax Planning in an Era of Uncertainty

    There are many factors contributing to tax uncertainty at this time. For individuals and tax practitioners alike, planning over the next several years is going to be challenging, to say the least,

    1 minute read