• February 15, 2013 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Pa. Firms Land Roles in $11 Bil. Airline Merger

    One might be hard-pressed not to find a Pennsylvania lawyer on a US Airways flight in the state, one of the main modes of transportation for attorneys shuffling between Pittsburgh and Philade

    1 minute read

  • Abarca v. Scott Morgan Residential, Inc.

    Publication Date: 2009-09-29
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2009-09-24
    Court: Tex. App. Dist. 1
    Judge: Evelyn V. Keyes Justice
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 01-07-00813-CV

    OPINIONAppellants, Bray Abarca and Juan Carlos Sanchez, challenge the summary judgment rendered against them in their suit for negligence, negligence per se, and breach of contract against Scott Mo

  • People v. Bradley

    Publication Date: 2012-08-01
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2012-08-01
    Court: C.A. 2nd
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Bill Lockyer and Kamala D. Harris, Attorneys General, Robert R. Anderson and Dane R. Gillette, Chief Assistant Attorneys General, Pamela C. Hamanaka, Assistant Attorney General, Lance E. Winters, Susan Sullivan Pithey and Steve D. Matthews, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent.
    for defendant: Ralph H. Goldsen for Defendant and Appellant Omar Bradley. Richard D. Miggins for Defendant and Appellant Amen Rahh. Tedford & Walters and James R. Tedford II; Robert W. Walters for Defendant and Appellant John Johnson II.

    Case Number: No. B175564

    Cite as 12 C.D.O.S. 8663 THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. OMAR BRADLEY et al., Defendants and Appe

  • August 24, 2005 | The Legal Intelligencer

    The Heat Is On Insurance Defense Firms

    The last decade has not been especially kind to insurance defense firms. Carriers have gone through a wave of consolidation, pulled more work in-house and cracked down on billing rate increases fro

    1 minute read

  • February 2, 2006 | Corporate Counsel

    An Avalanche of Internet Applications Can Be a Mixed Blessing

    Anyone who has ever logged on to Monster.com knows that recruiting online can produce an avalanche of applicants. This presents a unique problem for companies doing business with the federal govern

    1 minute read

  • In re Thorpe Insulation Company

    Publication Date: 2012-01-24
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2012-01-24
    Court: 9th Cir.
    Judge: Dale S. Fischer, District Judge, Presiding Before: Mary M. Schroeder and Ronald M. Gould, Circuit Judges, and Richard Seeborg, District Judge.*
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Thomas E. Patterson (argued), Kenneth N. Klee, Daniel J. Bussel, and David M. Guess, Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff & Stern LLP, Los Angeles, California; Jeremy V. Richards and Scotta E. McFarland, Pachulski, Stang, Diehl & Jones LLP, Los Angeles, California, for appellee Thorpe Insulation Company. John A. Lapinski and Leslie R. Horowitz, Clark & Trevithick, P.L.C., Los Angeles, California, for appellee Pacific Insulation Company. Peter Van N. Lockwood (argued), Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered, Washington, D.C.; Peter J. Benvenutti, Jones Day, San Francisco, California, for appellee Counsel for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Thorpe Insulation Company and Pacific Insulation Company. Gary Fergus, Fergus, A Law Office, San Francisco, California, for appellee Charles B. Renfrew, the Futures Representative.
    for defendant: David C. Christian, II (argued), Seyfarth Shaw LLP, Chicago, Illinois; James M. Harris, Seyfarth Shaw LLP, Los Angeles, California; Todd C. Jacobs, Grippe & Elden LLC, Chicago, Illinois, for appellants Continental Insurance Company and National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford. Tancred V. Schiavoni, O?Melveny & Myers LLP, New York, New York; Richard B. Goetz, O?Melveny & Myers LLP, Los Angeles, California; Jonathan Hacker, O?Melveny & Myers LLP, Washington, D.C.; Alan S. Berman, the Berman Law Group, Woodland Hills, California, for appellants Motor Vehicle Casualty Company, Central National Insurance Company of Omaha, and Century Indemnity Company, successor to Cigna Specialty Insurance Company f/k/a California Union Insurance Company.

    Case Number: No. 10-56543 No. 10-56622


  • November 30, 2001 | New York Law Journal

    Sheraton Corp. Claims Inexperienced Associate Cost It $50.1 Million

    To serve as lead trial counsel in a major case for an important client is the dream of all ambitious big-firm litigation associates. If you ask the Sheraton Corporation, it is the client's

    1 minute read

  • August 11, 2008 | National Law Journal

    Subpoena tactic in work suits draws fire

    Management-side lawyers say they do it all the time. Plaintiffs' lawyers say it's got to stop. A common defense tactic in workplace litigation, whereby employers

    1 minute read

  • May 19, 2000 | Alm

    Gluttons for Punishment

    The Custom of the SeaBy Neil Hanson(John Wiley & Sons, New York; 304 pages; $24.95)Neil Hanson's The Custom of the Sea is a murder mystery. The mystery is not

    1 minute read

  • March 15, 2005 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Creatine Seizure Verdict Upheld in ADA Suit

    A federal judge has refused to overturn a jury's $159,000 verdict in an Americans with Disabilities Act suit brought by a man who said he was denied the right to return to work for 20 months a

    1 minute read