• Native Ecosystems Council v. Weldon

    Publication Date: 2012-09-21
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2012-09-21
    Court: 9th Cir.
    Judge: Donald W. Molloy, District Judge, Presiding Before: Stephen Reinhardt, Andrew J. Kleinfeld and Milan D. Smith, Jr., Circuit Judges.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: John Philip Meyer (argued), Cottonwood Environmental Law Center, Bozeman, Montana, for the plaintiffs-appellants.
    for defendant: Mark Steger Smith (argued), Assistant United States Attorney, Michael W. Cotter, United States Attorney, Billings, Montana, for the defendants-appellees.

    Case Number: No. 11-35659

    Cite as 12 C.D.O.S. 10938NATIVE ECOSYSTEMS COUNCIL, Plaintiff-Appellant,v.LESLIE WELDON, in her official c

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