Publication Date: 2010-03-31
Practice Area:
Date Filed: 2010-03-31
Court: 9th Cir.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Steven J. Wells and Heather M. McCann, Dorsey & Whitney LLP, Minneapolis, Minnesota, for the plaintiff-appellee.
for defendant: Edmund G. Brown Jr., Attorney General of California, Douglas J. Woods, Acting Senior Assistant Attorney General, and Susan K. Leach, Deputy Attorney General, Los Angeles, California, for the defendants-appellants.
Sarah L. Conant and Peter A. Brandt, The Humane Society of the United States, Washington, D.C.; and Bruce A. Wagman, Schiff Hardin LLP, San Francisco California, for the defendant-intervenor-appellants.
Case Number: No. 09-15483 No. 09-15486
Cite as 10 C.D.O.S. 4025NATIONAL MEAT ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff-Appellee, andAMERICAN MEAT INSTITUTE, Plaint