• January 5, 2012 | National Law Journal

    Supreme Court saw few huge cases in 2011

    The year 2011 at the U.S. Supreme Court was the calm before-and after-the storm. The court was no longer fodder for the State of the Union address, as it was in 2010. Few of the cases

    1 minute read

  • April 15, 2013 | The American Lawyer

    Wilmer, Wachtell Help Longtime Gene Client Clinch $13.6 Billion Merger

    In a merger that combines two top companies in the rapidly growing field of genetic sequencing and testing, a team of Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr lawyers are advising Waltham, Massa

    1 minute read

  • Brinker Restaurant Corporation v. Superior Court (Hohnbaum)

    Publication Date: 2012-04-12
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2012-04-12
    Court: Ca. Sup. Ct.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Rex S. Heinke, Johanna R. Shargel; Morrison & Foerster, Karen J. Kubin; Hunton & Williams, Laura M. Franze, M. Brett Burns and Susan J. Sandidge for Petitioners. Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, Fred W. Alvarez and Michael D. Schlemmer for TechNet as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, Yi-Chin Ho, Michael M. Berger, Benjamin G. Shatz and Andrew L. Satenberg for Chinese Daily News, Inc., as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. William B. Sailer; Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, Paul Grossman, Paul W. Crane, Jr., Katherine C. Huibonhoa and Rishi Sharma for California Employment Law Council as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Theodore J. Boutrous, Jr., Julian W. Poon, Kirsten R. Galler, David S. Han, Blaine H. Evanson; National Chamber Litigation Center, Inc., Robin S. Conrad and Shane Brennan Kawka for Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America and California Chamber of Commerce as Amici Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Law Office of Robin L. Unander and Robin L. Unander for California Automotive Business Coalition as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Lawrence Foust; Ballard Rosenberg Golper & Savitt and Christine T. Hoeffner for Childrens Hospital Los Angeles as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Littler Mendelson, Julie A. Dunne, Lena K. Sims, Matthew S. Dente, Richard R. Rahm and Allan G. King for the National Retail Federation, National Council of Chain Restaurants, Contain-A-Way, Inc., USA Waste of California, Inc., California Building Industry Association, California Professional Association of Specialty Contractors, Western Growers Association, American Staffing Association, California Hotel & Lodging Association and National Association of Manufacturers as Amici Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Mayer Brown and Donald M. Falk for the American Trucking Associations, Inc., and the California Trucking Association as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton, Richard J. Simmons, Julie A. Dunne and Guylyn R. Cummins for Employers Group, California Retailers Association, California Hospital Association, California Restaurant Association, National Federation of Independent Business Small Business Legal Center, National Council of Chain Restaurants and National Retail Federation as Amici Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Fred J. Hiestand for The Civil Justice Association of California as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Robert R. Roginson for the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement and Labor Commissioner Angela Bradstreet as Amici Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Jackson Lewis, Robert M. Pattison, Joel P. Kelly, JoAnna L. Brooks and Timothy C. Travelstead for San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, San Diego Chapter, Sacramento Chapter, Southern California Chapter and Employment and Labor Law Committee of the Association of Corporate Counsel as Amici Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Cox, Castle & Nicholson, John S. Miller, Jr., and Dwayne P. McKenzie for the Associated General Contractors of California, Inc., as Amici Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Higgs, Fletcher & Mack, Lee Burdick and John Morris for the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Petitioners. Greenberg Traurig, Gregory F. Hurley and Stacey Hertler for National Association of Theatre Owners of California/Nevada, Inc., as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Petitioners.
    for defendant:

    Case Number: No. S166350


  • April 2, 2013 | The American Lawyer

    The Churn: Lateral Moves in The Am Law 200

    Ballard Spahr welcomes JOHN SADLER, a commercial litigator who focuses on the representation of commercial lenders in recruiting matters. The new of counsel will be working f

    1 minute read

  • February 7, 2011 | National Law Journal


    LATERALS WINSTEAD (Dallas): Andrew Fono joins the firm's energy and ­environmental practice group as partner in t

    1 minute read

  • January 1, 2013 | Corporate Counsel

    A Major Investment

    J.P. Morgan is banking on STACEY FRIEDMAN, a former Sullivan & Cromwell litigation and regulatory partner, to head up its legal team as general counsel of the bank's rec

    1 minute read

  • June 26, 2007 | New York Law Journal


    Trial Lawyers' New President Begins Term Jeff S. Korek, a partner at Gersowitz, Libo & Korek, a plaintiff's personal injury firm, began his term last week as the 40th presid

    1 minute read

  • May 2, 2012 | The American Lawyer

    Simpson Thacher, Paul Weiss Take Star Roles on Silver Lake's William Morris Stake

    Private equity firm Silver Lake Partners announced on Wednesday the acquisition of a 31 pe

    1 minute read

  • March 1, 2009 | The American Lawyer

    A Really Bad Bet

    Thacher Proffitt & Wood real estate partner Donald Simone was at his desk on the fortieth floor of the World Trade Center's south tower early on September 11, 2001,

    1 minute read

  • April 1, 2006 | Corporate Counsel

    Delaware Rules

    Three years ago Jeffrey Kindler, Pfizer Inc's vice-chairman and GC, had a big problem � and what seemed, on first glance, a baffling solution. Pfizer was facing what Kindler calls "the most si

    1 minute read