• January 24, 2007 | National Law Journal

    Med-mal case spurs constitutional fight

    CHICAGO-Constitutional litigators are joining the battle in an Illinois medical malpractice case that could end up overturning a 2005 state law that caps damages awards for pain and suff

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  • December 11, 2006 | Legal Times

    Keeping Score

    Yucca Wait or Do It YourselfArnold & Porter scored a victory for its client Sacramento Municipal Utility District earlier this month, when Judge Susan Braden of the

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  • September 10, 2004 | The Recorder

    Termed Out

    Barry Levin may soon go back to litigating insurance cases. Or maybe he'll spend more time with his family.As chairman of Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe for the past 5 1/2 years,

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  • June 23, 2003 | National Law Journal

    Aetna settles with class of underpaid doctors

    RICO an insurance company that was accused of conspiring with other carriers to underpay doctors settled with a class of physicians on May 21 for $100 million, plus $50 mi

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  • February 22, 2012 | New York Law Journal

    Personal Notes on Lawyers

    • Phillips Lytle has added two attorneys specializing in telecommunications. Bruce T. Frankiewich,

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  • October 27, 2006 | The Recorder

    Circuit Adjusts Overtime Ruling

    A Ninth Circuit ruling on an overtime case was a deep disappointment � and a bit of a surprise � to employment plaintiffs lawyers on Thursday.The class action against Farmer's Insuranc

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  • February 27, 2006 | The Recorder


    PUBLIC DEFENDER MOONLIGHTS AS DOCUMENTARY FILMMAKERWhile many people have unfinished projects lying around, gathering dust, San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi has complet

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  • May 26, 2008 | National Law Journal


    A request to look out for aging, cranky judges Chief Judge Frank Easterbrook, who presides over the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, asked lawyers a

    1 minute read

  • August 9, 2004 | Legal Times

    On the Move

    GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER David Lee has joined Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher as an associate in the corporate transactions and securities practice group. Prior to joining t

    1 minute read