• April 19, 2004 | National Law Journal


    New partners Clifford Chance: The firm's new U.S. partnership class consists of Frank C. Cimino (litigation and dispute resolution) and Jay Gavigan and Kate McCarthy (ban

    1 minute read

  • November 14, 2011 | National Law Journal


    LATERALS MARTEN LAW (Seattle): Robert Lawrence joins the firm as partner in its new San Francisco office, where he will focus on ener

    1 minute read

  • April 4, 2011 | National Law Journal


    PROMOTIONS NIXON PEABODY: Scott O'Connell has been named leader of the firm's commercial litigation practice. He is based in the firm's Bos

    1 minute read

  • October 1, 2007 | Texas Lawyer


    NEW POSITIONS . . . Kevin H. Good has joined Conner & Winters as a partner in the firm's new Dallas office. He will focus on litigation and transactions in the aviation indu

    1 minute read

  • January 25, 2010 | National Law Journal


    PROMOTIONS DICKINSON WRIGHT (Detroit): William T. Burgess has been elected chief executive officer of the firm and succeeds James A. Samborn, w

    1 minute read

  • November 27, 2006 | Legal Times

    On the Move

    BLACKWELL SANDERS PEPER MARTINShannon Maher has joined the D.C. office of Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin as an associate in the energy and public utility practice g

    1 minute read

  • July 29, 2002 | New York Law Journal

    Bounty Hunter Tobacco Suit Is Thrown Out

    Photo by Rick KopsteinJudge WeinsteinA LEGAL THEORY allowing bounty hunters to sue tobacco companies first dreamed up by a Washington lawyer and a Baltimore law professor is "imaginat

    1 minute read

  • December 11, 2012 | The American Lawyer

    The Churn: Lateral Moves and Promotions in The Am Law 200

    Commercial litigator DARREN TRAUB has joined the ranks of Akerman Senterfitt in New York as a shareholder. Last with Herrick, Feinstein, where he was a partner, Traub advises

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  • November 12, 2010 | New Jersey Law Journal

    On The Move

    img src="http://www.law.com/image/nj/128_pics/cooney_trevor.jpg" a

    1 minute read

  • November 6, 2009 | Daily Business Review

    TD Bank must turn over records to receiver

    Broward Circuit Judge Jeffrey Streitfeld has given TD Bank until noon Monday to turn over its records on embattled law firm Rothstein Rosenfeldt Adler and its ousted chairman Scott Rothstein,

    1 minute read