• September 28, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Lawyers on the Fast Track

    The 2010 Lawyers on the Fast Track Cather

    1 minute read

  • November 22, 2010 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Representing Corporate New Jersey

    table cols="2" rows="71" heads="1" feet="0" xmlns:debug="urn:debug" xmlns:map="urn:mapping" xmlns:k4="http://www.vjoon.com/K4Export/1.4.2" xmlns:fn="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions" xmlns:xs="

    1 minute read

  • July 1, 2009 | Focus Europe

    Arbitration Scorecard: Treaties

    AMOUNT IN CONTROVERSY: Over $50 billion DISPUTE: Hulley Enterprises, Ltd. (Cyprus), Yukos Universal Limited (Isle of Man), and Veteran Petroleum Limited (Cypru

    1 minute read

  • May 8, 2008 | Law.com

    Top 50 IP People Under 45

    A note on our survey from IP Law & Business editor Pamela Sherrid: I have never sat on an admissions committee for Harvard or Princeton, but I now have much more empa

    1 minute read

  • September 30, 2002 | Texas Lawyer


    LEADERS FROM HILGERS . . . Hal Katz, a director at Hilgers & Watkins, recently was named vice chairman of the American Bar Association Managed Care & Insurance Interest G

    1 minute read

  • September 18, 2006 | New Jersey Law Journal

    For Congoleum Corp. Chapter 11, Tenth Time May Be the Charm

    Congoleum Corp. of Mercerville is poised to file a new Chapter 11 reorganization plan, its 10th in three years, and its chief executive officer says this one may actually do the trick.

    1 minute read

  • September 20, 2004 | Texas Lawyer


    NEW POSITIONS . . . The following have joined the Dallas office of Thompson, Coe, Cousins & Irons as associates: Mariah K. Baker, insurance litigation; Stephen M. Gerdes II, mass t

    1 minute read

  • September 27, 2007 | National Law Journal

    Navigating a Turnaround

    Name and Title: Todd A. Suko, vice president, general counsel and secretary Age: 40 Company Profile: United Agri Products Inc. (UAP), once an underperforming unit

    1 minute read

  • November 1, 2004 | Texas Lawyer


    Party Time Seana Willing, executive director of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, is almost getting used to all the telephone calls and e-mails received by her office re

    1 minute read