• April 2, 2009 | National Law Journal


    ASSOCIATE PROMOTIONS TO PARTNER Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass (San Francisco): Three attorneys have been promoted to partners

    1 minute read

  • February 6, 2004 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Aftermath of Large Jury Verdicts Shows Much Smaller Victories

    Three jury awards in New Jersey were among the 100 largest in the country last year, but defendant-friendly laws or lack of coverage have taken their toll on these once-glittering victories.

    1 minute read

  • March 17, 2003 | Daily Report Online

    Personal Injury Pair Win $1.25-Million Verdict

    Rachel Tobin Ramos [email protected] Two Atlanta personal injury lawyers won a second million-dollar-plus verdict in six months. The defendants in both cases were represe

    1 minute read

  • March 21, 2006 | Alm

    Texas Firm Spends $25K to Recover $77.55

    In the age of tort reform, Texas plaintiffs attorneys are used to turning away clients whose suits cost more to litigate than can ever be recovered at trial. So why would a lawyer accept a cas

    1 minute read

  • September 20, 2004 |

    Drunkenness Doesn't Provide Mens Rea for Aggravated Assault

    Despite his lack of a driver's license and insurance, a motorist's drunken collision — in which he struck and injured two pedestrians and then left the scene of the accident &

    1 minute read

  • February 2, 2004 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Aftermath of Large Jury Verdicts Shows Much-Diminished Victories

    Three jury awards in New Jersey were among the 100 largest in the country last year, but defendant-friendly laws or lack of coverage have taken their toll on these once-glittering victories.

    1 minute read

  • Williams v. Elzy

    Publication Date: 2003-10-03
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Southern District
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    U.S. District Court Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge Pitman I. Introduction This action arises out of an automobile accident that occurred in M

  • Pfeifer v. Countrywide Home Loans

    Publication Date: 2012-12-14
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2012-12-13
    Court: C.A. 1st
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiffs and Appellants: Moss & Murphy, Glen L. Moss Attorneys for Amicus Curiae on behalf of Plaintiffs and Appellants upon the request of the Court of Appeal: Kamala D. Harris, Attorney General of California; Brian E. Nelson; Travis LeBlanc, Special Assistant Attorneys General; Frances T. Grunder, Senior Assistant Attorney General; Benjamin G. Diehl, Supervising Deputy Attorney General; Todd I. Espinosa; Samuel J. Maselli; Amy Teng, Deputy Attorneys General
    for defendant: Attorneys for Defendants and Respondents: Bryan Cave, LLP, James Goldberg, Berrie Goldman Attorneys for Amicus Curiae on behalf of Defendants and Respondents Wells Fargo Bank: Severson & Werson, Jan T. Chilton, Jon D. Ives

    Case Number: No. A133071

    Cite as 12 C.D.O.S. 13688ALLEN PFEIFER et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants,v.COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS et al.,

  • February 7, 2011 | National Law Journal

    Derivatives between banks and their affiliates

    The Dodd-Frank Act makes several changes to §§ 23A and 23B, the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act that restrict transactions between depository institutions and their affiliates

    1 minute read

  • Warren Esanu, Plaintiff v. Allen Klein, the Rizzo Group, LLP and Charles Rizzo, Defendants, 650741/2011

    Publication Date: 2011-08-18
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, New York County, Part 35
    Judge: Justice Carol R. Edmead
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiffs: Lawrence B. Goldberg, P.C.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Moving Defendants The Rizzo Group and Charles Rizzo: Platzer, Swergold, Karlin, Levine, Goldberg & Jaslow, LLP, Ralph R. Hochberg.

    Case Number: 650741/2011

    Cite as: Esanu v. Klein, 650741/2011, NYLJ 1202511469805, at *1 (Sup., NY, Decided A 1, 2011)Justice Carol R. EdmeadDecided: A