Publication Date: 2024-08-06
Practice Area: Corporate Governance
Industry: Investments and Investment Advisory | Software | Technology Media and Telecom
Court: Court of Chancery
Judge: Vice Chancellor Laster
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Thomas Curry, Saxena White, P.A., Wilmington, DE; David Wales, Saxena White, P.A., White Plains, NY; Adam Warden, Saxena White, P.A., Boca Raton, FL; Julie Goldsmith Reiser, Richard A. Speirs, Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC, New York, NY for plaintiff.
for defendant: Raymond J. DiCamillo, Matthew D. Perri, Nicole M. Henry, Kevin M. Kidwell, Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A., Wilmington, DE for defendant.
Case Number: 2023-0326-JTL
Governance provisions transferring authority from board to controlling investors was facially invalid where such provisions had not been incorporated into the corporate charter, as charters could not incorporate private agreements by reference without rendering them non-public and preventing stockholders from amending the charter.