• November 7, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

    What to Expect From the SEC Under Trump 2.0

    "While the issues of what's in the best interest of an investor will continue to be important, we won't see as much energy put behind trying to expand those obligations beyond the regulatory frameworks that already exist," said Jennifer Klass, a partner at K&L Gates.

    5 minute read

  • Greenhouse v. Polychain Fund I LP

    Publication Date: 2019-06-12
    Practice Area: Corporate Entities
    Industry: Investments and Investment Advisory
    Court: Court of Chancery
    Judge: Vice Chancellor Slights
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Joseph H. Huston, Jr. and Stacey A. Scrivani, Stevens & Lee, P.C., Wilmington, DE; Todd C. Toral and AnnaMarie A. VanHoesen, Jenner & Block LLP, Los Angeles, CA for plaintiff.
    for defendant: Jeffrey M. Gorris and Christopher P. Quinn, Friedlander & Gorris, P.A., Wilmington, DE; J. Noah Hagey and Taylor Altman, Braunhagey & Borden LLP, New York, NY for defendants.

    Case Number: D68593

    A former limited partner no longer had standing to request books and records, because his interest in the company was fully redeemed at the time of the request.

  • Zalmanoff v. Hardy

    Publication Date: 2018-11-28
    Practice Area: Corporate Governance | Mergers and Acquisitions
    Industry: Investments and Investment Advisory
    Court: Court of Chancery
    Judge: Vice Chancellor Slights
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Ronald A. Brown, Jr., J. Clayton Athey and Samuel L. Closic of Prickett, Jones & Elliott, P.A., Wilming-ton, DE; Jeffrey S. Abraham of Abraham, Fruchter & Twersky, LLP, New York, NY for plaintiff
    for defendant: David J. Teklits and D. McKinley Measley of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP, Wilmington, DE; Howard S. Suskin, Elizabeth A. Edmondson, Lorenzo Di Silvio and Rémi J.D. Jaffré of Jenner & Block LLP, New York, NY for defendants.

    Case Number: D68372

    Corporate directors did not breach their fiduciary duty of disclosure when they provided stockholders with two documents which together contained all material information in connection with a stockholder vote.

  • November 26, 2018 | Corporate Counsel

    PSD2 Prep: Strong Customer Authentication and the Ramifications of US Merchants Doing Business in Europe

    For many Americans, a trip abroad conjures up images of scenic vistas, Roman ruins or Parisian cafes. For U.S.-based businesses, however, doing business abroad is often less idyllic. Complicated four-character acronyms threaten operations at every turn.

    1 minute read

  • February 24, 2017 | Delaware Business Court Insider

    Glasscock Sends Question of Advancement Rights to Arbitration

    The Delaware Court of Chancery has sent to arbitration an advancement dispute stemming from the messy wind down of a hedge fund during the 2008 financial crisis, finding an agreement between th

    1 minute read