• September 15, 2017 | National Law Journal

    Back to Work for Obama Lawyers; US Attorney Picks Raise Eyebrows; Dentons' Big New Referral Database

    It's been another busy week in the nation's capital for lawyers and news-watchers alike.

    1 minute read

  • September 14, 2017 | The Recorder

    Nixon Peabody's On-Site Incubator a Boost for LGBT Entrepreneurs

    The firm has donated 2,300 square feet of its 16th floor San Francisco office and partnered with a nonprofit business accelerator to launch the StartOut Growth Lab.

    1 minute read

  • September 11, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

    Hey GCs, What Keeps You Awake at Night?

    We're inviting general counsel and other in-house decision-makers to take a few minutes before Oct. 16 to share their views with us again in another round of data gathering.

    1 minute read

  • Doe v. Hagenbeck, 15-1890-cv

    Publication Date: 2017-09-08
    Practice Area: Personal Injury
    Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
    Judge: Before: Wesley, Livingston, and Chin, C.JJ.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiff-Appellee for Jane Doe: Rebecca Ojserkis, Jonas Wang, Erin Baldwin, Kathryn Wynbrandt, Bethany Li, Michael J. Wishnie, Veteran Legal Services Clinic, Jerome M. Frank Legal Services Organization, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT.
    for defendant: For Defendants-Appellants for Lt. Gen. Franklin Lee Hagenbeck and Brig. Gen. William E. Rapp: Christopher Connolly, Benjamin H. Torrance, Assistant United States Attorneys, New York, NY, for Joon H. Kim, Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Amici Curiae for Amici Curiae Federal Courts and Constitutional Law Professors, in support of Jane Doe: Caitlin J. Halligan, Joel M. Cohen, Casey K. Lee, Kathryn M. Cherry, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, New York, NY. For Amici Curiae University Administrators, in support of Jane Doe: Paul W. Hughes, Travis Crum, Mayer Brown LLP, Washington, D.C. For Amici Curiae Former Military Officers, in support of Jane Doe: Penelope A. Preovolos, Ben Patterson, Morrison & Foerster LLP, San Francisco, CA. For Amici Curiae National Veterans Legal Services Program, Protect Our Defenders, Service Women's Action Network, in support of Jane Doe: John D. Niles, James Anglin Flynn, Covington & Burling LLP, Washington, D.C. For Amici Curiae American Civil Liberties Union, American Association of University Women, Human Rights and Gender Justice Clinic at the City University of New York School of Law, Human Rights Watch, National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence, National Women's Law Center, in support of Jane Doe: Sandra S. Park, Steven Watt, Lenora M. Lapidus, American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, New York, NY.

    Case Number: 15-1890-cv

    Incident-to-Service Rule Precluded Bivens Claim from Conduct at Military A

  • September 6, 2017 | The Recorder

    Summer's End Sees Partner Departures Mount at Wilson Sonsini

    The first week of September saw Latham & Watkins pick up Wilson Sonsini's privacy and data protection co-chair Michael Rubin, while three other Wilson Sonsini partners are poised to join Cooley. Matthew Sonsini, the son of Wilson Sonsini's septuagenarian chairman Larry Sonsini, has also left the firm for another family business.

    1 minute read

  • September 1, 2017 | The Recorder

    Federal Judge Sanctions Two California Lawyers in Abortion Videos Case

    A federal judge has sanctioned two California lawyers for civil contempt rooted in their roles in posting secretly recorded videos of abortion providers that had been barred from public release by an injunction. Judge William Orrick, however, in his sanctions order, slashed the fees requested by the Morrison & Foerster team that represented the plaintiff, the National Abortion Federation, in the suit.

    1 minute read

  • Jane Doe, Plaintiff-Appellee v. Lt. Gen. Franklin Lee Hagenbeck, Brig. Gen. William E. Rapp, Defendants-Appellants, United States of America, Defendant, 15-1890-cv

    Publication Date: 2017-09-01
    Practice Area: Litigation | Civil Appeals
    Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
    Judge: Before: Wesley, Livingston, and Chin, C.JJ.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiff-Appellee for Jane Doe: Rebecca Ojserkis, Jonas Wang, Erin Baldwin, Kathryn Wynbrandt, Bethany Li, Michael J. Wishnie, Veteran Legal Services Clinic, Jerome M. Frank Legal Services Organization, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT.
    for defendant: For Defendants-Appellants for Lt. Gen. Franklin Lee Hagenbeck and Brig. Gen. William E. Rapp.: Christopher Connolly, Benjamin H. Torrance, Assistant United States Attorneys, New York, NY, for Joon H. Kim, Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Amici Curiae for Amici Curiae Federal Courts and Constitutional Law Professors, in support of Jane Doe.: Caitlin J. Halligan, Joel M. Cohen, Casey K. Lee, Kathryn M. Cherry, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, New York, NY. For Amici Curiae University Administrators, in support of Jane Doe.: Paul W. Hughes, Travis Crum, Mayer Brown LLP, Washington, D.C. For Amici Curiae Former Military Officers, in support of Jane Doe.: Penelope A. Preovolos, Ben Patterson, Morrison & Foerster LLP, San Francisco, CA. For Amici Curiae National Veterans Legal Services Program, Protect Our Defenders, Service Women's Action Network, in support of Jane Doe.: John D. Niles, James Anglin Flynn, Covington & Burling LLP, Washington, D.C. For Amici Curiae American Civil Liberties Union, American Association of University Women, Human Rights and Gender Justice Clinic at the City University of New York School of Law, Human Rights Watch, National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence, National Women's Law Center, in support of Jane Doe.: Sandra S. Park, Steven Watt, Lenora M. Lapidus, American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, New York, NY.

    Case Number: 15-1890-cv

    Former West Point Cadet's Sexual Assault Liability Suit Stymied by Second C

  • September 1, 2017 | The American Lawyer

    Lifetime Achiever: Bettina Plevan, Proskauer Rose

    Bettina "Betsy" Plevan prioritized work-life balance before it was trendy. As an associate at Proskauer Rose in the 1970s, Plevan didn't hesitate to take time off or refuse late hours to look after her two young sons, one of whom had special needs.

    1 minute read

  • August 30, 2017 | National Law Journal

    Solicitor General's Office Fills Ranks With Big Law Hires

    Three lawyers who clerked for Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. are leaving Big Law for prestigious posts in the U.S. Solicitor General's Office.

    1 minute read

  • August 30, 2017 | The Recorder

    Ex-Defense Department Deputy GC Joins Wilson Sonsini

    Wilson Sonsini has welcomed aboard of counsel Elizabeth George, a former associate White House counsel in the Obama administration who most recently served as deputy general counsel at the U.S. Department of Defense in Washington, D.C., for its privacy and data protection practice in San Francisco.

    1 minute read