• March 30, 2009 | National Law Journal

    A counselor's counselor

    Name and title: Mark F. Nowak, partner and general counsel, Thorp Reed & Armstrong. Age: 51 A regional fir

    1 minute read

  • May 21, 2009 | National Law Journal

    A Counselor's Counselor

    Name and title: Mark F. Nowak, partner and general counsel, Thorp Reed & Armstrong. strong

    1 minute read

  • March 27, 2012 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Helping Right a Wrong to the Nation's War Veterans

    Abraham Lincoln, in his second inaugural address, said that our nation will always endeavor to "care for him who shall have borne the battle." Ever since, Americans have sought to ens

    1 minute read

  • Millennium Import, LLC v. Reed Smith LLP, 603350/07

    Publication Date: 2013-01-28
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, First Department
    Judge: Before: Tom, J.P., Andrias, Acosta, Saxe, Moskowitz, JJ.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For appellants: Schulte, Roth & Zabel, LLP, New York, Robert M. Abrahams of counsel, and Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland, & Perretti LLP, New York, Anthony J. Sylvester of counsel.
    for defendant: for James H. Berry, Jr. and Berry & Perkins, respondents: Andrew R. Jones, A. Michael Furman and Bain R. Loucks of counsel, Furman, Kornfeld & Brennan, LLP, New York. for Barrack, Ferrazzano, Kirschbaum & Nagelberg, LLP, respondent: Coughlin Duffy, LLP, New York (Daniel F. Markham of counsel), and Figliulo & Silverman, P.C., Chicago, Il, James R. Figliulo of the bar of the States of Arizona and Illinois, admitted pro hac vice of counsel. for Fross, Zelnick, Lehrman & Zissu, P.C., respondent: (Robert S. Churchill, Bonnie R. Kim and Katherine P. Churchill of counsel, Eaton & Van Winkle, LLP, New York.

    Case Number: 603350/07

    Cite as: Millennium Import, LLC v. Reed Smith LLP, 603350/07, NYLJ 1202585758916, at *1 (App. Div., 1st, Decided January 24, 2013)Before: Tom, J.P., Andri

  • November 10, 2011 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Associates Class of 2011

    Hiring by New Jersey law firms is on a steady swing back nearly to prerecession levels, judging by the anecdotal evidence assembled in this, our annual new-associates magazine. This year's

    1 minute read

  • September 21, 2012 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Attorney Ineligibility Order Pursuant to Rule 1:28-2(a)

    SUPREME COURT OF NEW JERSEYPursuant to Rule 1:28-2, the Trustees of the New Jersey Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection (Fund) have reported to the Supreme Court the names of tho

    1 minute read

  • September 6, 2004 | Legal Times

    On the Move

    AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETYDavid Smorodin, 47, has been named assistant general couns the American Chemical Society. Most recently he was chief litigation couns

    1 minute read

  • March 24, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Reed Smith Picks Up Former Wyeth General Counsel

    Five months after Pfizer Inc. acquired Wyeth, the latter's general counsel has moved into private practice.Former Wyeth General Counsel Lawrence V. Stein joined Reed Smith Tuesday in the fir

    1 minute read

  • In re Park Cities Bank

    Publication Date: 2013-09-03
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2013-08-15
    Court: Tex. App. Dist. 12
    Judge: James T. Worthen, Chief Justice
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 12-12-00325-CV

    ORIGINAL PROCEEDING Panel consisted of Worthen, C.J., Griffith, J., and Hoyle, J

  • June 13, 2013 | The Recorder

    Latham, Reed Smith, K&L Gates Tap Lateral Market

    The lateral marketplace has been anything but sleepy so far this summer, with Latham & Watkins, Reed Smith and K&L Gates all welcoming new partners.Latham poached emerging comp

    1 minute read