Publication Date: 2013-04-15
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Western District
Judge: Bankruptcy Judge Carl L. Bucki
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys For Plaintiff: Marianne T. O'toole Chapter 11 Trustee, Lon J. Seidman, Esq., of Counsel, Silverman Acampora LLP, Jerricho, N.Y.
for defendant: Attorneys For Defendant: Moscone, Emblidge & Quadra, LLP, Matthew J. Shier, Esq., of Counsel, Kevin F. Rooney, Esq., of Counsel, Pinnacle Law Group LLP, San Francisco, CA.
Case Number: 09-13505 B
Cite as: In Re Successor Borrower Services, 09-13505 B, NYLJ 1202595647565, at *1 (Bankruptcy Court, WD, Decided March 19, 2013)Bankruptcy Judge Carl L.