Publication Date: 2014-08-19
Practice Area:
Court: New York State Division of Human Rights
Judge: ALJ Migdalia Pares
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Complainant: Melisa McCarthy, Newark, NJ.
for defendant: Complainant: Jennifer McCarthy, Newark, NJ. Complainant Attorney: Mariko Hirose, Esq., New York Civil Liberties Union Foundation, New York, NY. Complainant Attorney: Arthur Eisenberg, Esq., New York Civil Liberties Union Foundation, New York, NY. Respondent Attn: Cynthia Gifford, Liberty Ridge Farm, LLC, Schaghticoke, NY. Respondent: Cynthia Gifford, Schaghticoke, NY. Respondent: Robert Gifford, Schaghticoke, NY. Respondent Attorney: James P. Trainor, Esq., Cutler, Trainor & Cutler, LLP, Malta, NY. Attn: Civil Rights Bureau, Hon. Eric T. Schneiderman, Attorney General, New York, New York. State Division of Human Rights: Robert Goldstein, Director of Prosecutions, Lilliana Estrella-Castillo, Chief Administrative Law Judge, Migdalia Pares, Administrative Law Judge, Michael Swirsky, Litigation and Appeals, Caroline J. Downey, General Counsel, Melissa Franco, Deputy Commissioner for Enforcement, Peter G. Buchenholz, Adjudication Counsel, Matthew Menes, Adjudication Counsel.
Case Number: 10157952; 10157963
Cite as: New York State Division of Human Rights v. Liberty Ridge Farm, LLC, 10157952, NYLJ 1202666939841, at *1 (NYSDHR, Decided July 2, 2014)