Publication Date: 2010-11-24
Practice Area:
Date Filed: 2010-11-24
Court: 9th Cir.
Judge: Marilyn L. Huff, United States District Judge, Presiding Before: Michael Daly Hawkins, Sidney R. Thomas and M. Margaret McKeown, Circuit Judges.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Robert C. Fellmeth (argued), Center for Public Interest Law, University of San Diego School of Law, San Diego, California, and Donald G. Rez (briefed), Sullivan, Hill, Lewin, Rez & Engel, San Diego, California, for the plaintiffs-appellants.
for defendant: W. Scott Cameron (argued) and Charles L. Post (briefed), Weintraub Genshlea Chediak, Sacramento, California, and Diane Shaw (briefed), Office of the Attorney General of the State of California, Los Angeles, California, for the defendant-appellee.
Case Number: No. 08-56750
Cite as 10 C.D.O.S. 14693MICHAEL SHAMES and GARY GRAMKOW, on behalf of themselves and all persons similarly situated, Plaintiffs-Appellants, p class="casen