• August 8, 2005 | National Law Journal


    Promotions Duane Morris (Philadelphia): Three attorneys in the intellectual property practice group have become partners: Gary D. Colby (biotechnology, medical and

    1 minute read

  • January 31, 2005 | National Law Journal


    New Partners Hiscock & Barclay (Syracuse, N.Y.): John P. Lowe Jr. comes on board as partner in the firm's Rochester, N.Y., office. He serves as of counsel to CMS Bu

    1 minute read

  • September 2, 2011 | The Recorder

    On the Move

    SAN FRANCISCO Michael Kelly received the 2010-2011 Robert E. Oliphant Award for his service to the National Institu

    1 minute read

  • June 19, 2006 | National Law Journal


    UPDATESClaire E. Reade, a partner at Arnold & Porter, was appointed to serve as chief counsel for China trade enforcement for the office of th

    1 minute read

  • July 20, 2009 | National Law Journal


    DISTINCTIONS THOMPSON & KNIGHT (Dallas): Jeffrey A. Zlotky has been named managing partner of the firm. In addition to his new respon

    1 minute read

  • June 12, 2006 | National Law Journal


    UPDATESJane Wexton joins the New York and Washington offices of Orlando, Fla.-based Akerman Senterfitt as its compliance practices and advisor

    1 minute read

  • October 3, 2013 | Daily Report Online

    Gov. Deal To Speak At Atlanta Bar's Celebrating Service Luncheon

    The Atlanta Bar Association's sixth annual Celebrating Service luncheon once again will spotlight Georgia's unsung legal heroes who lead by example in their commitment to serving oth

    1 minute read

  • May 9, 2005 | National Law Journal


    Firm promotions Gibbons, Del Deo, Dolan, Griffinger & Vecchione (Newark, N.J.): Shepard A. Federgreen (real property and environmental law), Ghillaine A. Reid (bus

    1 minute read

  • May 10, 2013 | The American Lawyer

    The Churn: Lateral Moves in The Am Law 200

    Alston & Bird has gained four new capital markets partners in New York and one in Washington, D.C. JAMES COTINS and MATTHEW LYONS will work together on s

    1 minute read

  • December 19, 2005 | Legal Times

    On the Record with Scott Hochfelder

    Scott Hochfelder is general counsel and secretary of a href="http://www.hoovers.com/kb-toys/--ID__102883--/free-co-factsheet.xhtml?cm_ven=PAID&cm_cat=INK&cm_pla=CO1&cm_ite=kb-toys" t

    1 minute read