• February 19, 2013 | The Legal Intelligencer

    The Legal's Top Lateral Hires of 2012

    Our listing of the top lateral moves of 2012 could not be more diverse when it comes to practice area and firm type. And for the first time, we have listed lateral attorneys who left the Penn

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  • March 19, 2012 | Texas Lawyer


    New Positions . . . Sandi K. Elrod has been named a partner in K&L Gates in Dallas in the real estate investment, development and finance practice. . . . Michael

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  • June 7, 2004 | Texas Lawyer


    NEW POSITIONS . . . Sofia Adrogue has become a partner in Epstein Becker Green Wickliff & Hall. She practices in the business litigation section. . . . Lance Beh

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  • May 7, 2003 | New York Law Journal

    Lawyers on Major TransactionsBy susan l. HarperCravath Advises AOL Time Warner On Sale of Comedy CentralCravath, Swaine & Moore is representing AOL

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  • March 3, 2008 | National Law Journal

    Pellicano defendant's firm weathers the storm

    LOS ANGELES � Christensen, Glaser, Fink, Jacobs, Weil & Shapiro, a 100-lawyer firm based in Los Angeles, just bagged a new client in one of the most high-profile cases in town: its own m

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  • May 23, 2011 | National Law Journal


    NEW ARRIVALS BRACEWELL & GIULIANI (Houston): Stuart Zisman joins the firm's energy practice as partner in the Houston office and

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  • August 21, 2006 | National Law Journal


    UPDATESFormer Illinois governor James Thompson, 70, will step down as chairman of Chicago-based Winston & Strawn on Aug. 31, saying it was tim

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  • May 6, 2005 | New York Law Journal

    Pro Bono Digest

    In the just-completed Volunteers of Legal Service 2004 survey of New York City law firms who have taken the Volunteers of Legal Service (VOLS) Pro Bono Pledge, lawyers at 39 law firms performe

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  • September 17, 2013 | The American Lawyer

    Five Am Law Firms Seal Rockwood Units Sale

    Specialty chemicals company Rockwood Holdings said Tuesday it is selling off five of its no

    1 minute read

  • May 6, 2005 | New York Law Journal

    Pro Bono Digest

    In the just-completed Volunteers of Legal Service 2004 survey of New York City law firms who have taken the Volunteers of Legal Service (VOLS) Pro Bono Pledge, lawyers at 39 law firms performe

    1 minute read