• January 24, 2007 | Daily Report Online

    Businesses blast official's detainee spiel

    IT'S A RARE day when law firms get called out for their pro bono work. But that's exactly what happened when Pentagon official Charles "Cully" Stimson rattled off a list of firms repr

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  • January 7, 2013 | The American Lawyer

    Skadden, Proskauer Bring NHL Back to Ice, as Other Am Law Firms Take Lead on Sale of Phoenix Coyotes

    After nearly four months of on-again, off-again negotiations, players and owners in the National Hockey League have finally agreed to a a href="http://espn.go.com/nhl/story/_/id/8817955/nhl-

    1 minute read

  • Aetna Life Ins. Co. v. Appalachian Asset Mgt. Corp., 9204

    Publication Date: 2013-08-06
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, First Department
    Judge: Justice David B. Saxe
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Appalachian Asset Management Corp., appellant-respondent: Jennifer M. Oliver, Randi W. Singer and Andrey Spektor of counsel, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, New York.
    for defendant: For William Messmore, appellant-respondent: Robert A. O'Hare Jr., Jeffrey S. Lichtman, Andrew C. Levitt and Michael Zarocostas of counsel, O'Hare Parnagian LLP, New York. For Douglas McBeth, appellant-respondent: Gregory J. Bevelock, Alice M. Penna and Jeffrey D. Smith of counsel, DeCotiis, Fitzpatrick & Cole, LLP, Spring Valley. For Sameer Garg, appellant-respondent: M. William Munno, John J. Galban and Celinda Metro of counsel, Seward & Kissel LLP, New York. For respondent-appellant/ respondent: Jason D. Frank, Jordan D. Hershman, Harold S. Horwich and Derek Care of counsel, Bingham McCutchen LLP, New York.

    Case Number: 9204

    Cite as: Aetna Life Ins. Co. v. Appalachian Asset Mgt. Corp., 9204, NYLJ 1202613579795, at *1 (App. Div., 1st, Decided July 30, 2013) 9204 Justice

  • November 13, 2007 | National Law Journal

    Survey Shows Growth Spurt for Law Firms

    The nation's largest law firms expanded by a robust 5.6 percent in 2007, a year that demonstrated growth well ahead of 2006's gains and one that for the first time knocked a long-reigning lead

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  • June 28, 2010 | Texas Lawyer

    Look Into the Crystal Ball: The Next 25 Years

    In addition to celebrating the past, Texas Lawyer is looking ahead to the next 25 years. Law editor Jacylyn Gardner contacted attorneys to get their thoughts on what the next quarter-c

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  • August 19, 2009 | Daily Business Review

    Prosecutors Seek Reduced Sentence for Informant in UBS Tax Evasion Case

    Justice Department prosecutors asked a federal judge Tuesday to cut a potential five-year prison sentence in half for a diamond-smuggling banker who exposed a vast scheme by Switzerland's UBS bank

    1 minute read

  • July 27, 2009 | Texas Lawyer

    The Match Game: Firms Score More Pro Bono Hours By Linking Lawyers' Interests With Organizations' Needs

    Dionne C. Rainey and Daniel C. Garner, partners in the Dallas office of Hunton & Williams, were on a mission last year to get the firm's Texas lawyers more involved in pro bono service.

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  • November 1, 2011 | The American Lawyer

    Big Deals

    United Technologies / Goodrich United Technologies Corporation agreed to pay $18.4 billion for Goodrich Corporation on September 21. The deal would be the lar

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  • February 4, 2010 | Daily Business Review

    Lawyers making lateral moves is way up

    By most measures, 2009 was a dismal year for the legal industry. One notable exception to the drumbeat of record layoffs and bankruptcy actions was a record number of lateral partner moves at major

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  • August 18, 2003 | Legal Times


    HISTORIC BLACKOUT SHINES LIGHT ON ENERGY LAWS, ISSUESEnergy lawyers are gauging the implication of last week's electricity blackout on their practices and on the indu

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