• Zuniga v. Wooster Ladder Co.

    Publication Date: 2002-01-14
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2001-12-12
    Court: Tex. App. Dist. 4
    Judge: Alma L. Justice
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 04-01-00301-CV

    Dissenting Opinion by: Paul W. Green, JusticeREVERSED AND REMANDEDThis is an accelerated appeal of the granting of a temporary injunction. It is also the third lawsuit and second appeal to arise

  • June 9, 2009 | New York Law Journal

    Businesses, Consumers at Odds Over Proposed Arbitration Act

    Sen. Russell Feingold, D-Wis., last month reintroduced his "Arbit

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  • September 10, 2002 | New York Law Journal

    Learn About Your Money

    You aced the interviews, the welcome reception and the introduction to the managing partner. So why does the packet of forms human resources has given you look so daunting?You are goin

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  • August 3, 2011 | Daily Business Review

    Senate confirms Kathleen Williams to federal bench

    South Florida has gained a federal judge while another was tapped for a higher court. Kathleen Williams, who as federal public defender made her Miami-based office a nationwide model, ende

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  • December 1, 2009 | The American Lawyer

    New Business

    table cols="4" rows="14" heads="0" feet="0" xmlns:debug="urn:debug" xmlns:map="urn:mapping" xmlns:k4="http://www.vjoon.com/K4Export/1.4.2" xmlns:fn="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions" xml

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  • June 4, 2007 | Legaltech News

    Selling Your Law Firm's Tech

    Over the years law firm IT has been described as an expense to be managed, an investment, and a competitive advantage. How your firm views technology is important, but how your clients view the use

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  • May 13, 2008 | The Associated Press

    Lawyer: Jet-setters to admit ID fraud fueled their lifestyle

    PHILADELPHIA (AP) _ Presumably, she didn't fleece Prince Charles. But a brash college student whose life of luxury travel and $2,200 hairdos came crashing down with her arrest on identity-theft charge

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  • August 18, 2011 | The American Lawyer

    BigLaw on Campus and Ready to Recruit

    Law firm recruiting partners have gazed into their crystal balls, and what they see is a promising future for would-be associates from the Class of 2013. Firms across the country report a st

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  • November 12, 2004 | New York Law Journal

    A Matter of Death

    The horrific life of Joe Elton Nixon, briefly referenced last week during a narrow procedural hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court, is at the heart of a capital murder case that Eric M. Freed

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  • July 28, 2008 | National Law Journal


    NEW PARTNERS   p clas

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