Publication Date: 2016-02-03
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Northern District
Judge: District Judge David Hurd
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintiff: Julia Huston, Esq., David A. Kluft, Esq., Anthony E. Rufo, Esq., of Counsel, Foley, Hoag Law Firm, Boston, MA. Attorneys for Plaintiff: Douglas A. Foss, Esq., Svetlana K. Ivy, Esq., of Counsel, Harris, Beach Law Firm, Pittsford, NY.
for defendant: Attorneys for Defendant: Randall K. Miller, Esq., Marcella Ballard, Esq., Angel A. Garganta, Esq., of Counsel, Venable LLP, Tysons Corner, VA. Attorneys for Defendant: Chaim J. Jaffe, Esq., of Counsel, Scolaro, Shulman Law Firm, Syracuse, NY.
Case Number: 3:16-CV-30
Cite as: Chobani v. Dannon, 3:16-CV-30, NYLJ 1202748565383, at *1 (NDNY, Decided January 29, 2016)CASE NAMEChobani, LLC, Plaintiff v. The Dannon Company, Inc.,