• June 25, 2008 |

    E-Risk Advantage

    Describes Zurich Insurance Company's policy, which provides electronic publishing activities, e-business activities, and loss of income.

    1 minute read

  • June 25, 2008 |

    Self-Storage Facilities Coverage Form - Archived Article

    Discusses the ISO self-storage facilities coverage form, MS SF 01, of the market segments program. The wrap around endorsements of the program are used to enhance coverages provided by other standard forms.

    1 minute read

  • June 25, 2008 |

    Building and Personal Property Coverage Form - Archived Article

    Discusses the building and personal property coverage form, which is combined with a causes of loss form, common policy, and commercial property conditions to form a complete portfolio of property coverage for commercial risks.

    1 minute read

  • June 25, 2008 |

    Building and Personal Property Coverage Form

    Discusses the building and personal property coverage form, which is combined with a causes of loss form, common policy, and commercial property conditions to form a complete portfolio of property coverage for commercial risks.

    1 minute read

  • June 25, 2008 |

    Business Practices Liability Insurance

    Discusses policy from NAS Insurance Services Inc. that offers protection against claims for wrongful business practices. Document

    1 minute read

  • June 25, 2008 |

    Miscellaneous Professional Liability

    Administered by Professional Risk Facilities and written by Northland Insurance Group, policy provides liability coverage for such entities as business and personal managers or contest managers.

    1 minute read

  • June 25, 2008 |

    Standard Homeowners Endorsements - Archive

    Gives an overview of the many endorsements that can be attached to the ISO homeowners forms.

    1 minute read

  • June 25, 2008 |

    Supermarkets - Archived

    This article discusses the 2007 changes to the supermarkets form and the auto related endorsements.

    1 minute read

  • June 25, 2008 |

    Overview of AAIS Contractors and Developers Output Program (DOP)

    AAIS has developed a contractors and developers form (DOP) that adapts a commercial output style policy to the needs of developers, contractors, or builders who work on commercial, industrial, residential, or institutional structures.

    1 minute read

  • June 25, 2008 |

    Personal Property Floater

    Provides information for both ISO and AAIS personal property floaters, who might need the coverage, and what is covered.

    1 minute read