Publication Date: 2023-05-23
Practice Area: Patent Litigation
Industry: Manufacturing
Court: U.S. District Court of Delaware
Judge: District Judge Andrews
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Patricia S. Rogowski, Rogowski Law, LLC, Wilmington, DE; Robert M. Evans, Jr., Michael J. Hartley, Michael H. Durbin, T. Hunter Brown, Lewis Rice, LLP, St. Louis, MO for plaintiff.
for defendant: Brian A. Biggs, Angela C. Whitesell, Erin E. Larson, DLA Piper, LLP, Wilmington, DE; Larissa S. Bifano, DLA Piper, LLP, Boston, MA; Richard Mulloy, DLA PIper, LLP, San Diego, CA; Zachary Loney, DLA PIper, LLP, Austin, TX for defendant.
Case Number: 18-cv-1259-RGA
Patent infringement claims were dismissed where asserted claims consisted solely of abstract ideas integral to the voting process and contained no new inventive concept.