Publication Date: 2022-11-08
Practice Area: Patent Litigation
Industry: Software | Technology Media and Telecom
Court: U.S. District Court of Delaware
Judge: District Judge Andrews
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Patricia S. Rogowski, Rogowski Law, LLC, Wilmington, DE; Robert M. Evans, Michael J. Hartley. Michael H. Durbin, Lewis Rice, LLP, St. Louis, MO for plaintiff.
for defendant: Brian A. Briggs, Angela C. Whitesell, DLA Piper, LLP, Wilmington, DE; Larissa S. Bifano, DLA Piper, LLP, Boston, MA; Richard Mulloy, DLA Piper, LLP, San Diego, CA; Zachary Loney, DLA Piper, LLP, Austin, TX for defendant.
Case Number: 18-cv-01259-RGA
Motion for leave to amend was denied as futile where proposed claim of invalidity due to nonjoinder of inventors failed to allege specific facts to describe how the unnamed inventors participated in conceiving of the inventor or how they collaborated with the named inventor.