• People v. Kareem Bellamy, 194/94

    Publication Date: 2011-06-24
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Queens County
    Judge: Acting Justice Joel L. Blumenfeld
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Richard A. Brown , District Attorney, Kew Gardens, NY (Sharon Y. Brodt, Roni C. Piplani, Johnnette Traill, Nicolette J. Caferri , and Brad Leventhal, of counsel), for the People.
    for defendant: Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, New York, NY (Darin P. McAtee , Antony L. Ryan , Craig A. Bachelor, Lindsay R. Goldstein, Diane M. Macina, Chelsea W. Teachout, Dashene A. Cooper,1 James J. Bilsborrow, and Robert A. Miranne,2 of counsel) and Thomas Hoffman , P.C.,3 for defendant, Kareem Bellamy.

    Case Number: 194/94

    Cite as: People v. Kareem Bellamy, 1131A, NYLJ 1202498327424, at *1 (Sup. QU, Decided June 27, 2008)Acting Justice Joel L. Blumenfe

  • People v. Kareem Bellamy, 194/94

    Publication Date: 2011-06-24
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Queens County
    Judge: Acting Justice Joel L. Blumenfeld
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Richard A. Brown , District Attorney, Kew Gardens, NY (Sharon Y. Brodt, Roni C. Piplani, Johnnette Traill, Nicolette J. Caferri , and Brad Leventhal, of counsel), for the People.
    for defendant: Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, New York, NY (Darin P. McAtee , Antony L. Ryan , Craig A. Bachelor, Lindsay R. Goldstein, Diane M. Macina, Chelsea W. Teachout, Dashene A. Cooper,1 James J. Bilsborrow, and Robert A. Miranne,2 of counsel) and Thomas Hoffman , P.C.,3 for defendant, Kareem Bellamy.

    Case Number: 194/94

    Cite as: People v. Kareem Bellamy, 1131A, NYLJ 1202498327424, at *1 (Sup. QU, Decided June 27, 2008)Acting Justice Joel L. BlumenfeldDeci