Publication Date: 2011-12-09
Practice Area:
Court: Court of Appeals
Judge: Phipps, Herbert E.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Charles M. McDaniel Jr., Tonya F. Stokes Carlock, Copeland & Stair LLP, Kyler L. Wise Beloin, Brown, Blum & Baer LLC, Larry M. Dingle Wilson, Brock & Irby LLC, James B. Manley Jr., Jill C. Kuhn McKenna, Long & Aldridge, Atlanta, and John K. Eldridge Haynes and Boone LLP, Houston, Texas, for appellants. Adam P. Princenthal, Craig C. Knowles, Gary B. Andrews Andrews, Knowles & Princenthal LLC, Ralph I. Knowles Jr., Leslie J. Bryan Doffermyre Shields Canfield Knowles & Devine LLC, Donald D. Stack Stack & Associates PC and Robert B. Jackson IV, Atlanta, for appellees.
for defendant:
Case Number: A11A1053
The defendants were not required to affirmatively disprove that they engaged in the particular acts about which the plaintiffs complained in order to prevail on a motion for summary jud