• May 26, 2003 |

    Magistrate: Right to Overtime Pay is Not WaivableA worker at a gas station could not waive his right to overtime pay under state and federal law, a Pittsburgh federal magistrate

    1 minute read

  • June 17, 2004 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Five Federal Judges Ready to Be Sworn In

    During the next few weeks, swearing-in ceremonies are expected to be held for five federal judges - four of whom are joining the Eastern District of Pennsylvania bench and one of whom is leavi

    1 minute read

  • December 22, 2003 | Texas Lawyer

    Year in Review: 2003 Timeline

    JANUARY6 Judge Scott Jenkins of Austin's 53rd District Court denies Farmers Group Inc.'s motion to strike an intervention by policyholders, thereby keeping alive the pol

    1 minute read

  • December 20, 2005 | New York Law Journal

    M. Fortunoff of Westbury Corp., plaintiff-appellee v. Peerless Insurance Co., defendant-appellant

    Decided Dec. 13, 2005Before Feinberg, Cardamone, and B.D. Parker, C.JJ. Appellant Peerless Insurance Company appeals from an order of the United States District Court for the Easte

    1 minute read

  • Matter of Christian

    Publication Date: 2013-01-04
    Practice Area:
    Court: Family Court, Kings County
    Judge: Judge Daniel Turbow
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Petitioner: Leake and Watts Services, Inc., Emily O'Brien, Esq., Rosin Steinhagen Mendel, New York, NY. For Petitioner: Little Flower Children and Family Services of New York: James Cortazzo, Esq., Carrieri and Carrieri, Mineola, NY.
    for defendant: For Respondent, Mohammed A.: Gemma Thomas-Ahyase, Esq., Brooklyn, NY. For Respondent, Tynisha D.: Zainab Akbar, Esq., Brooklyn Family Defense Project, Brooklyn, NY. For Subject Child, Christian M.: Winsome Rhudd, Esq., Brooklyn, NY. For Subject Child, Elijah A.: Lance Kramer, Esq., Brooklyn, NY.

    Case Number: B-16256/11

    Cite as: Matter of Christian, B-16256/11, NYLJ 1202583307606, at *1 (Fam., KI, Decided September 10, 2012)Judge Daniel Turbowa tar

  • October 15, 2012 | Texas Lawyer

    Part-Time Partners at Large Firms in Texas

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    1 minute read

  • June 24, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer

    CLS Fund-Raising Campaign Starts

    On June 12, Community Legal Services Inc. celebrated its 14th annual Breakfast of Champions, which is the official kickoff event for CLS' 2003 Bar Campaign, at the Doubletree Hotel. There were

    1 minute read

  • In the Matter of the Application of Thomas Simone, Petitioners, In a Proceeding Pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules v. The Village of Croton-on-Hudson, Respondents, 007194/10

    Publication Date: 2010-09-14
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Westchester County
    Judge: Justice Albert Lorenzo
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Holly Crosbie-Foote The Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Croton-on-Hudson, Leo Wiegman, Ann Gallelli, Demetra Restuccia, Ian Murtaugh, Richard Olver, as Its Members, The Village of Croton-on-Hudson Planning Board, Chris Kehoe, Vincent Andrews, Frances Allen, Robert Luntz, Mark Aarons, as Its Members, The Village of Croton-on-Hudson Waterfront Advisory Committee, Frances Allen, Robert Luntz, Richard Olver, Demetra Restuccia, Charles Kane, As Its Members, and Thirty-Six Oneida Ave Co., Tucci Antonio Living Trust, Brenda LLC, Fay Pappas, John Pappas, John Palladino, Janice Swerdloff, Kussa Corp., Karl Frank, Susan Frank, Zev Nreca, Zoja Nrecai, Sung Sing Realty Corp., J&E Service Inc., MAF Realty Ltd., Dominick Antifeatro, Patricia Antifeatro, John Perillo, Joseph's Borges Enterprises, LLC, Apex Inc., Croton Point Done Deal LLC, JPJ Enterprises Inc., Riverside Realty of Croton, Benedict-Riverside Corp., Ronald Napolitani, KPT Riverside Realty LLC, Devendra K. Sharma, Kanwa Sharma, LVM Realty Corp., Cynthia Eldredge and Daja View Real Estate, Inc., Respondents Attorney for Petitioners: Patricia Moran, Esq., Croton-on-Hudson, NY
    for defendant: Attorneys for Respondents Village of Croton-on-Hudson and the Village of Croton-on-Hudson Planning Board: Evan M. Eisland, Esq., McCullough, Goldberger & Staudt, LLP, White Plains, New York

    Case Number: 007194/10

    Cite as: Thomas Simone v. Croton-on-Hudson, et al., 007194/10, NYLJ 1202471902050, at *1 (Sup., WE, Decided August 10, 2010)Justice Albert Lorenzop class="

  • December 1, 2012 | Corporate Counsel

    Deals & Suits, December 2012

    Morgan StanleyCitigroupMorgan Stanley struck a deal with Citigroup Inc. on September 11 to take full control of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney by June

    1 minute read

  • January 16, 2006 | Texas Lawyer


    NEW POSITIONS . . . Donald E. Hill of Godwin Pappas Langley Ronquillo has been promoted to partner. His practice focuses on litigation and insurance law. William D. Cramer, a registere

    1 minute read