• Securities Investor Protection Corporation v. Madoff, 08-01789

    Publication Date: 2016-11-25
    Practice Area: Bankruptcy | Civil Procedure | White Collar Crime
    Court: Bankruptcy Court, Southern District
    Judge: Bankruptcy Judge Stuart Bernstein
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintiff, Irving H. Picard, Trustee for the Liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC: David J. Sheehan, Esq., Regina Griffin, Esq., Thomas L. Long, Esq., Seanna R. Brown, Esq., Amanda E. Fein, Esq., Catherine E. Woltering, Esq., of Counsel, Baker & Hostetler LLP, New York, NY.
    for defendant: Liaison Counsel for All Subsequent Transferee Defendants1: Robinson B. Lacy, Esq., of Counsel, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, New York, NY. Franklin B. Velie, Esq., Jonathan G. Kortmansky, Esq., Mitchell C. Stein, Esq., of Counsel, Sullivan & Worchester LLP, New York, NY. Attorneys for Bureau of Labor Insurance: Michael B. Himmel, Esq., Amiad M. Kushner, Esq., Lauren M. Garcia, Esq., of Counsel, Lowenstein Sandler LLP, New York, NY.

    Case Number: 08-01789 (SMB)

    Cite as: SIPC v. Madoff, 08-01789, NYLJ 1202773121758, at *1 (SDNY, Decided November 21, 2016) CASE NAME Securities Investor Protection Corporation, Plaintiff

  • In re: OAS S.A., et al.,1 Debtors in Foreign Proceedings, 15-10937

    Publication Date: 2015-07-30
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District
    Judge: Bankruptcy Judge Stuart Bernstein
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: John K. Cunningham, Esq., Gregory M. Starner, Esq., Kimberly A. Haviv, Esq., Richard S. Kebrdle, Esq., of Counsel, White & Case LLP, New York, NY.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Renato Fermiano Tavares as Petitioner and Foreign Representative: Susheel Kirpalani, Esq., Michael Carlinsky, Esq., Benjamin Finestone, Esq., of Counsel, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, New York, NY. Attorneys for Aurelius Capital Management, LP, and Alden Global Capital LLC: Allan S. Brilliant, Esq., Robert J. Jossen, Esq., Gary J. Mennitt, Esq., Craig P. Druehl, Esq., Stephen M. Wolpert, Esq., of Counsel, Dechert LLP, New York, NY. Attorneys for the Joint Provisional Liquidators of OAS Finance Limited: Howard Seife, Esq., Andrew Rosenblatt, Esq., Eric Daucher, Esq., of Counsel, Chadbourne & Parke LLP, New York, NY. Attorneys for HSBC Bank USA, National Association: Ken Coleman, Esq., Laura R. Hall, Esq., of Counsel, Allen & Overy LLP, New York, NY.

    Case Number: 15-10937

    Cite as: In re: OAS S.A., 15-10937, NYLJ 1202733471281, at *1 (Bankruptcy, SDNY, Decided July 13, 2015) 15-10937 Bankruptcy Judge Stuart Bern

  • August 13, 2014 | Litigation Daily

    Judge Trims Madoff Trustee's Suit Against Merkin Funds

    Irving Picard of Baker & Hostetler, the liquidation trustee for fraudster Bernie Madoff's former firm, suffered a new setback late Tuesday in his bankruptcy court fight with J. Ezra

    1 minute read