Publication Date: 2010-05-28
Practice Area:
Court: Court of Appeals
Judge: Blackburn, G. Alan
Attorneys: For plaintiff: William M. Akin and S. Lester Tate III Akin & Tate, Cartersville, for appellant.
for defendant: John C. Bonnie, Stephen J. Rapp Weinberg, Wheeler, Hudgins, Gunn & Dial, Charles J. Cole and Derrick L. Bingham Owen, Gleaton, Egan, Jones & Sweeney LLP, Atlanta, for appellee. Other party representation: Julie A. Lierly, Caroline W. Spangenberg Kilpatrick Stockton LLP, Norman L. Underwood Troutman Sanders, Robin F. Cook, Atlanta, and Hugh B. McNatt McNatt, Greene & Peterson, Vidalia.
Case Number: A10A1125
Natural gas was not a tant under the excess liability policy in question, because nothing in the record showed that natural gas is considered an irritant or contaminant within the meaning of th