• U.S. Sec. & Exch. Comm'n v. Ahmed

    Publication Date: 2023-07-05
    Practice Area: Securities Litigation
    Court: U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
    Judge: Circuit Judge Michael H. Park
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiff-Appellee Securities and Exchange Commission: STEPHEN G. YODER, Senior Litigation Counsel, for Dan M. Berkovitz, General Counsel, and John W. Avery, Deputy Solicitor, Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington, DC.
    for defendant: For Defendant-Appellant Iftikar A. Ahmed: Gregory Dubinsky, Andrew C. Indorf, on the brief, Vincent Levy, Holwell Shuster & Goldberg LLP, New York, NY. For Defendants-Appellants Shalini Ahmed, I.I. 1, a minor child, by and through his next friends Iftikar and Shalini Ahmed, his parents, I.I. 2, a minor child, by and through his next friends Iftikar and Shalini Ahmed, his parents, I.I. 3, a minor child, by and through his next friends Iftikar and Shalini Ahmed, his parents, I-Cubed Domains, LLC, Shalini Ahmed 2014 Grantor Retained Annuity Trust, DIYA Holdings, LLC, DIYA Real Holdings, LLC: Zachary C. Schauf, on the brief, Adam G. Unikowsky, Jenner & Block LLP, Washington, DC. For Receiver-Appellee Jed Horwitt: John L. Cesaroni, Christopher H. Blau, Stephen M. Kindseth, Zeisler & Zeisler, P.C., Bridgeport, CT.

    Case Number: 21-1686

    Court Did Not Address if Actual Gains on Frozen Assets Were Too Remote From Fraud