• Lewis v. YRC Worldwide Inc.

    Publication Date: 2020-04-06
    Practice Area: Securities Litigation
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, U.S. - NDNY
    Judge: District Judge Glenn Suddaby
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Counsel for Plaintiff Christina Lewis: Phillip Kim, Esq., of Counsel, The Rosen Law Firm, New York, NY.
    for defendant: Counsel for Plaintiff City of Warwick Ret. Fund: Jeffrey P. Campisi, Esq., Donald R. Hall, Esq., Jason Uris, Esq., of Counsel, Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer LLP, New York, NY. Co-Counsel for Plaintiff City of Warwick Ret. Fund: George H. Lowe, Esq., Jonathan B. Fellows, Esq., of Counsel, Bond Schoneck & King, PLLC, Syracuse, NY. Counsel for Plaintiff Peter Szabo: Emma Gilmore, Esq., Jeremy A. Liberman, Esq., Joseph A. Hood, II, Esq., Michael J. Wernke, Esq., Samuel Adams, Esq., Veronica Montenegro, Esq., Villi A. Shteyn, Esq., of Counsel, Pomerantz LLP, New York, NY. Co-Counsel for Plaintiff Peter Szabo: Garth Spencer, Esq., of Counsel, Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP, New York, NY. Counsel for Defendants: Ann M. Ashton, Esq., Jonathan E. Richman, Esq., Ralph C. Ferrara, Esq., of Counsel, Proskauer Rose LLP, Washington, D.C. Co-Counsel for Defendants: Daniel J. French, Esq., David G. Burch, Jr., Esq., Anneliese Aliasso, Esq., of Counsel, Barclay Damon LLP, Syracuse, NY.

    Case Number: 1:19-CV-0001

    Claim Not Stated in Securities Fraud Suit Over Re-Weigh System Overcharging Customers