• Ronnie Van Zant, Inc. v. Pyle, 17 Civ. 3360

    Publication Date: 2017-09-08
    Practice Area: Contracts
    Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
    Judge: District Judge Robert Sweet
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintiffs by: Richard G. Haddad, Esq., Sandor Frankel, Esq., Pauline McTernan, Esq., Otterbourg P.C., New York, NY.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Defendants Cleopatra Records, Inc. and Cleopatra Films by: Evan Mandel, Esq., Robert Glunt, Esq., Mandel Bhandari LLP, New York, NY. Attorney for Defendant Artimus Pyle Defendant, pro se: Artimus Pyle, Black Mountain, NC.

    Case Number: 17 Civ. 3360

    Movie Enjoined; Band Member's Involvement Restricts Use of Subject

  • August 29, 2017 | New York Law Journal

    'Blood Oath' Forever Enjoins Lynyrd Skynyrd Biopic, Judge Rules

    Under the terms of a consent decree borne of a "blood oath" undertaken 40 years ago by the surviving members of Lynyrd Skynyrd, the band's former drummer can never produce a biopic about the band's final years, a federal judge in Manhattan ruled.

    1 minute read