• NY Communities for Change v. NYCDOE, 11-CV-3494

    Publication Date: 2013-05-29
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Eastern District
    Judge: District Judge Sterling Johnson, Jr.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney For Plaintiff: New York Lawyers for the Public Interest; Miranda Massie (MM-7721), Christina Giorgio (Pro Hac Vice), New York, N.Y.
    for defendant: Attorney For Defendant: Michael A. Cardozo, Corporation for the City of New York; By: Daniel Greene (DG 5839), Assistant Corporation Counsel, New York, N.Y.

    Case Number: 11-CV-3494

    Cite as: NY Communities for Change v. NYCDOE, 11-CV-3494, NYLJ 1202602042944, at *1 (EDNY, Decided May 21, 2013)District Judge Sterling Johnson, Jr.p

  • June 10, 2003 | New York Law Journal


    Ruling Confirms City's Duty to Provide Access to AIDS BenefitsThe general failure of New York City's public benefits system does not excuse the city from its duty to provide meaningful

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