• October 10, 2005 | Ip Magazine

    Myths of Creation

    A great deal of information about copyright law is available in books, newspapers, and magazines; on the street; and over the Internet. While much of this information is reliable, some o

    1 minute read

  • February 1, 2012 | The American Lawyer

    This Time It's Personal

    If 2010 was a year for staying put, 2011 was the year that partners jumped back into the lateral market with full force. In the 12-month period ending September 30, 2011, 2,454 partners left

    1 minute read

  • July 11, 2005 | National Law Journal


    Promotions Coudert Brothers (New York): Hong Kong-based attorney Martin E. Robinson has been named a partner in the firm. As a member of the global investment funds

    1 minute read

  • December 1, 2008 | Texas Lawyer


    NEW POSITIONS . . . Nick Laurent and Rachael Padgett have joined McGinnis, Lochridge & Kilgore as associates in Austin. Laurent practices general litigation, and Pad

    1 minute read

  • Rocker v. Centex Corp.

    Publication Date: 2012-08-14
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2012-08-10
    Court: Tx. App. Dist. 5
    Judge: Martin Richter Justice
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 05-10-00903-CV

    Affirm in part; Reverse and Remand; OPINION Before Justices Moseley, FitzGerald, and Richter Opinion By Justice Richter Daniel J. Rocker appeals the trial court's

  • In Re: Indymac Mortgage-Backed Securities Litigation

    Publication Date: 2012-11-15
    Practice Area:
    Court: U. S. District Court, Southern District
    Judge: District Judge Lewis Kaplan
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintiff Police and Fire Retirement System of the City of Detroit: Denis F. Sheils, Joseph C. Kohn, William E. Hoese, Kohn, Swift & Graf., P.C., Lawrence P. Kolker, Gregory M. Nespole, Rachel S. Poplock, Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP., Steven J. Toll, Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC., Attorneys for Plaintiff City of Philadelphia Board of Pensions and Retirement: Ira N. Richards Trujillo Rodriguez & Richards, LLC, Timothy J. MacFall Rigrodsky & Long, P.A. Attorneys for Lead Plaintiffs Wyoming State Treasurer and Wyoming Retirement System: Daniel E. Barenbaum, Nicole C. Lavallee, Joseph J. Tabacco, Jr., Patrick T. Egan, Anthony D. Phillips, Julie Goldsmith Reiser, Berman Devalerio.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Individual Defendants: Eric R. Levine, Eric Aschkenasy, Eiseman Levine Lehrhaupt & Kakoyiannis, P.C., Michael W. Fitzgerald, Robert L. Corbin, Joel M. Athey, Corbin, Fitzgerald & Athey LLP Robert H. Fairbank, Kimberly M. West, Richard D. Gluck, Michael B. Norman, Fairbank & Vincent Attorneys for Underwriter Defendants: Dean J. Kitchens Robert F. Serio, Jonathan C. Dickey, Aric H. Wu, Eric M. Creizman, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP. Attorneys for Defendant IndyMac MBS, Inc.: William R. Stein, Scott H. Christensen, Kenneth M. Katz, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP.

    Case Number: 09 Civ. 4583 (LAK)

    Cite as: In Re: Indymac Mortgage-Backed Securities Litigation, 09 Civ. 4583 (LAK), NYLJ 1202578466408, at *1 (SDNY, Decided August 17, 2012)District Judge

  • June 29, 2009 | National Law Journal

    DC Section

    table xmlns:saxon="http://saxon.sf.net/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:fn="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions" xmlns:k4="http://www.softcare.de/K4Export/1.4.1" xmlns:

    1 minute read

  • November 6, 2006 | Texas Lawyer

    Northern Plaintiffs Suing Southern Lawyers Win at 3rd Circuit

    The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has revived a proposed class action suit against a group of lawyers from southern states brought by more than 2,600 former clients from northern states wh

    1 minute read

  • May 14, 2003 | New York Law Journal

    People v. Keith Campbell, ET AL

    People v. Keith Campbell, ET AL CRIMINAL TERM, PART K-19 Justice Rotker People v. Keith Campbell, ET AL - The defendant's omnibus motion for pretrial relief is d

    1 minute read

  • Donald Waddell, Appellant v. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Inc., Respondent, 512419

    Publication Date: 2012-03-01
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, Third Department
    Judge: Before: Peters, J.P., Lahtinen, Kavanagh, Stein and Garry, JJ.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For appellant: Edward E. Kopko, Ithaca
    for defendant: For respondent: Nixon Peabody, L.L.P., Rochester (Colleen D. Holland of counsel)

    Case Number: 512419

    Cite as: Waddell v. Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Inc., 512419, NYLJ 1202543762785, at *1 (App. Div., 3rd, Decided February 23, 2012)Before