• November 9, 2010 | The American Lawyer

    Season of a Witch!: Legal Services Sector Lost 300 Jobs in October

    Good news for the nation did not translate to good news for the legal sector on the employment front in October. Though the U.S. economy added 151,000 jobs last month, the legal

    1 minute read

  • February 25, 2011 | National Law Journal

    Three Law Schools Freeze Tuition Rates

    Annual law school tuition increases of between 3% and 10% are usually a given, but at least three schools have announced tuition freezes for the coming academic year.

    1 minute read

  • November 4, 2010 | The Associated Press

    US Museum Paid $45 Million for Painting, But UK Government Won't Let It Leave Country

    LONDON — The British government has stepped in to stop a J.M.W. Turner painting purchased by a U.S. museum earlier this year for almost 30 million pounds ($45 million)

    1 minute read

  • November 5, 2010 | National Law Journal

    Left-Coast Lawyer Factories Linkup to Loosen Up Loans for JD Wannabes

    The availability of private student loans is tighter than ever, prompting some stand-alone California law schools to look for alliances with larger institutions in order to incr

    1 minute read

  • February 28, 2011 | The Associated Press

    Nailed in the Mouth by Ecdysiast's Footwear, Strip Club Patron Sues

    LAWRENCE, Ind. — A man has sued an Indianapolis strip club, saying a danger's shoe flew off and chipped his teeth. Thirty-four-year-old Jake Quagliaroli says he was sitting a

    1 minute read

  • In the Matter of Joseph B. (Anonymous)

    Publication Date: 2004-04-19
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 2nd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    By Miller, J.P.; Adams, Townes and Mastro, JJ. In the Matter of Joseph B. (Anonymous). Commissioner of the Administration for Childrens Services, respondent; Rony B. (Anonym

  • In re Hernandez

    Publication Date: 2013-01-07
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2012-12-14
    Court: 9th Cir., B.A.P.
    Judge: Honorable Margaret M. Mann, Bankruptcy Judge, Presiding Before: JURY, MARKELL, and PAPPAS Bankruptcy Judges.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Tappan Zee, Esq., Zee Law Group, P.C. argued for appellant Collect Access LLC.
    for defendant: Jorge Halperin, Esq. and Elizabeth P. Swiller, Esq., submitted on brief for appellee Jose J. Hernandez.

    Case Number: BAP Nos. SC-12-1209-JuMkPa, SC-12-1217-JuMkPa

    Cite as 13 C.D.O.S. 240 In re: JOSE J. HERNANDEZ, Debtor. COLLECT ACCESS LLC, Appellant, v. p class="

  • March 8, 2013 | New Jersey Law Journal

    New Partners Yearbook 2013

    The past year saw a continued resurgence in new partners at New Jersey firms, which, if not quite as robust as the year before, still held its own as an indicator that the firms are sanguine

    1 minute read

  • In Re: Initial Public OfferingSecurities Litigation,21 MC 92

    Publication Date: 2010-06-29
    Practice Area:
    Court: District Court, New York County
    Judge: District Judge Shira A. Scheindlin
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiffs' Executive Committee: Stanley D. Bernstein, Esq., Rebecca M. Katz, Esq., Christian Siebott, Esq., Bernstein Liebhard LLP, New York, New York David Kessler, Esq., Barroway Topaz Kessler Meltzer & Check LLP, Radnor, Pennsylvania Howard B. Sirota, Esq., Sirota & Sirota LLP, New York, New York Robert A. Wallner, Esq., Ariana J. Tadler, Esq., Peter G.A. Safirstein, Esq., Neil Fraser, Esq., Milberg LLP, New York, New York Jules Brody, Esq., Stull, Stull & Brody LLP, New York, New York Fred Taylor Isquith, Esq., Thomas H. Burt, Esq., Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP, New York, New York
    for defendant: Liaison Counsel for Underwriter Defendants: Gandolfo V. DiBlasi, Esq., Penny Shane, Esq., David M.J. Rein, Esq., Richard J.L. Lamuscio, Esq., Sullivan and Cromwell LLP, New York, New York Liaison Counsel for Issuer Defendants: Jack C. Auspitz, Esq., Joel C. Haims, Esq., Hilary M. Williams, Esq., Angela T. Rella, Esq., Reema S. Abdelhamid, Esq., Morrison and Foerster LLP, New York, New York For the Greene Objectors: Leland L. Greene, Esq., Garden City, New York For the Siegel Objectors: Edward F. Siegel, Esq., Cleveland, Ohio For the Pentz Objectors: John J. Pentz, Esq., Class Action Fairness Group, Maynard, Massachusetts For the Weinstein Objectors: Jeffrey L. Weinstein, Esq., The Weinstein Law Firm, Athens, Texas For the Bechtold Objectors: Theodore A. Bechtold, Esq., Brooklyn, New York James J. Hayes (Pro Se), Annandale, Virgnia

    Case Number: 21 MC 92

    District Judge Shira A. ScheindlinDecided: June 18, 2010For Plaintiffs' Executive Committee:S

  • November 9, 2010 | The Careerist

    Just Sittin' on the Dock of the Pay at Simpson

    Above the Law reports that Simpson Thacher will garnish the wages of lawyers who are late with their time sheets. It posted an internal firm memo dated November 1:

    1 minute read