• Esperanza Acad. Charter Sch. v. The Sch. Dist. of Philadelphia

    Publication Date: 2024-12-13
    Practice Area: Education Law
    Industry: Education | State and Local Government
    Court: Commonwealth Court
    Judge: Judge Covey
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 1430-1431 C.D. 2022

    No error in calculating charter schools' tuition rates where school district could deduct federal block grants and pre-K funding since those funds could not be directed to charter schools. Order of the Department of Education affirmed.

  • S.K. v. Dep't of Human Serv.

    Publication Date: 2019-04-15
    Practice Area: Family Law
    Industry: State and Local Government
    Court: Commonwealth Court
    Judge: Judge Covey
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 19-0421

    Bureau of Hearings and Appeals erred in concluding that petitioner acted recklessly and committed child abuse in denying petitioner's request to expunge his indicated report of child abuse because petitioner tried to use a Safe Crisis Management approved upper torso restraint on minor but the restraint did not go as planned and there was no evidence that petitioner grossly deviated from what a reasonable person would have found acceptable under the same circumstances. Reversed.